Chapter 31 My Only Juliet

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Laura's pov

Giggling at the dizzy head of mine, yes dizzy. I've been circling the dance floor with matt for like an hour now. I have one big crazy family who loves to party. Matt pulls me out the dancing mob and brings me to the homemade drinks that my grandma makes.

Grandmother:well hello you two, having fun?

I love how she is always positive with a smile. Its already 10 pm and she's still up partying with us.

Laura: yes gran gran. Can we have two lemonades? (I say like a child)

Grandmother:(she smiles) of course sweetheart.

She then handed me and matt the drinks and we just lean on the table, drinking.

Matt:sooo, this is some reunion.

Laura:i know right?

Matt:i've noticed vanessa hasnt changed a bit.

I rolled my eyes playfully while giggling.

Laura:she surely hasnt.

Matt hen places his drink down and faces me.

Matt:but look at you, you look blooming.

Laura:awww thanks matty! (I smiled) but i wouldnt say im blooming..

Matt: yes you are, its because someone has a boyfriend (he teases)

Laura:oh shut up. He's the best.

He raises his hands up in surrender as we continue to watch the wild happy crowd just playing music, dancing, chatting. Till something hit me....

Laura:where's ross? (I say looking from left to right)

Matt just shrugged his shoulders as i place my drink down. I gave matt a smile to signal that i was leaving, the first person i walked to was vanessa. She was playing with our younger cousins

Laura:ness have you seen ross anywhere? (I say worriedly)

Vanessa: yeah, i think he went inside.

Laura:inside? Why?

Vanessa: well, for starters, you've been hanging out with matt for the past hour. You cant expect him to not get jealous.

I then furrowed my eyebrows.

Laura:jealous? Why would he be............

Vanessa then gave me a look and i just sighed. I walk away from her and went to the front door of the house where my dad was sitting,

Dad:hey sweetie.

Laura: cant talk dad, gonna talk to ross. (I say as i walk inside)

Great, now i just have to find him in this mansion of a house. I took my steps towards the living room, kitchen, dinning room, but he wasnt there.

I was about to check the living room again when i heard that?.....singing?

It came from upstairs, from the sound of the husky sweet voice, i knew it was ross....

Ross' Pov

Singing through the night was the most relaxing thing to me. All alone, up in the balcony, only the wind accompanying me.

Ross:(singing) Whenever you were there, i'll always be at care, ohhh ohhh ohhh.

Some say my voice kinda changes when i sing, some say i have a voice of a pop/rock singer. I could even be a professional singer soon.....

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