Chapter 2 Story of the balcony

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Ross' pov

I just woke up by the sun shinning down my eyes.

I squinted them and the first thing looked at is my balcony. Everyday i would see laura leaning on her balcony, drinking a cup of coffee

I then smiled and got up, opened my glass doors and went out my balcony.

Ross:good morning laura !

She looks up at me and giggles


I then grabbed her cup of coffee and drank half of it

I gave it back to her and she playfully slaps my chest(yes i was shirtless)

Laura:that was mineeeeeee! (She pouted)

Ross:(i chuckle) i was thirsty.

Laura:(she groaned) whatever....

Ross:sooo any plans for today?

Laura:not much.... Just study study study

Ross: (i groaned) thats all you ever do, come on...take a break and have fun with me!

Me and laura have never actually hang out before. We have been neighbors for years but we only talk at the balcony, i never actually went out and hang out with her yet.

Laura: you tell me that everyday, and as much as i want to hang out, i super busy!

Ross:you're no fun...

Laura's pov

We were both leaning on our balconies, our faces a few inches apart. This was always our position.

Ross:come on.......i have never hang out with you ever since day one!

Laura: cause im busy :p (i giggle)

Ross: remember how we met? (He smirked)

Laura:i try not too..

Ross:it all started when our family moved here....

Ughhhh he's telling me the story again,,,but i dont mind....i love this story


Laura's pov

I just got home from school and my mom greeted me

Mom:oh hi honey! How did the test go?

Laura:it was easy!

Mom:(she giggled) our new neighbors just moved in! And i think. Saw a cute boy in front of your balcony ;)

Laura:ugh mom i dont have time for boys.

Mom:but still! I want you to go and talk to him.,..he's gonna be your balcony neighbor....and who might like him (she smirked)

I then shook my head as i laugh and went upstairs.

To my surprise their was a boy at the other side of my balcony.

I then placed down my bag and opened my glass door..

He was leaning in his balcony as he was reading a book! It was romeo and juliet!

Laura: well, i never pictured my badboy neighbor to read romance books (i smirked)

He then jolted his head up. And he quickly closes the book

Ross:WHAT?! Psshhhhh i was t reading it.....(he laughs awkwardly)

Laura:whatever romeo...

He then made a billion dollar smile

Ross: im ross....

Laura: im laura..

Ross:soo you're my neighbor i see.....

Laura:yup, but let me get to the point, i dont date players (i smirked)

Ross:aw darn, i was about to ask you out (he says sarcasticly)

Laura: cuz you look like a player.

Ross:cause i am ;)

Laura: well it was nice meeting you but..... I have to study.

Ross:eww study!

Laura:(i giggle) whatever romeo... Talk to you later. (I say while walking back inside)

Ross: bye juliet..

I could image the smirk on his face that made me smile and i just walk back inside

-end of flashback-

So that was the story of our nicknames.

Ross:see! Ever since, your excuse was you have to study...

Laura: cause i am an honor student.

Ross: its soo uncool that we go to different schools.....maybe i should move into your school!

Laura:ummm how about NO! (I giggle)

Ross:why not? Im sure there are hot girls there, and we can finally hang out!

Laura: your just gonna break the hearts of girls.

Ross:cause i havent found my perfect 10 yet (he says in a duh tone)

Laura:whatever romeo. Im gonna eat breakfast... Talk to you later.

Ross:oh ok, come out your balcony at 5:00pm ^.^

Laura:(i giggle) whatever.

Ross' pov

I watchd as her hips swayed while walking back to her room. Damn she's fine! She was the only girl that escaped my charms. She never actually fell for any of it,

I tried using my charms onto her, just out of curiousity reasons. And none of them worked....

She goes to marino high.

And i also wanna go there. We have been bestfriends for years and we only talk in the balcony.....

Maybe i should change schools? I am tired of all the girls around my old school anyway.

I then walked back inside and i ran downstairs



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