Chapter 23 Missing Girls

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Ross' pov

Laura's standing in her balcony drinking her morning coffee. I was in my room just admiring her. She was leaning on the edge and stares at the empty streets, while taking small sips from her cup. I look over to my clock and it was 7:00 am.

Might as well get ready for school.

I stood up from my bed and stretched my sleepiness out. I took lazy steps towards my balcony doors and opened it. Laura heard me and smiled as she saw me.

Ross:good morning. (I say while approaching her)

I then leaned on my balcony edge as laura did.

Laura:good morning to you to (she smiles)

Ross:im soooooooo tireddddddd.....(i whined lazily)

Laura:(she giggles) well next time we shouldnt watch movies till 1am.

After laura did our homework yesterday, we watched some movies on my laptop. She eventually got home at around 10 but i continued watching till 1am.

Ross:oh whatever....,give me some of that (i said referring to her cup of coffee)

Laura:no , this is mine.

Ross:just give it,......pleaseeeeeeee.

She rolls her eyes playfully and she hands me her cup. I drank a half full and returned it to her. I wiped my mouth with me shirt and burped a little. Laura then gave me a disgusted look.

Laura:you're such a guy.

Ross:i'll take that as a compliment.

Laura finishes her half cup of coffee and she looks back to me, just staring at each other.

Laura:you said we'll take your car to school today.

Ross:yeah yeah i know i know.

Laura:great! Let me just change and we'll head off to school. Sound good?

I just yawned and nodded lazily.

Laura:k, i'll meet you out in a bit.

She then kisses my cheek and walks inside her room.

I guess i better get ready for school to.

Laura's pov

Pink! Errrr no to girly. Blue? Eww too boyish......,green? Nah...tooo rocky. Hmmmm yellow! Ross is favorite. If you're wondering what im doing, im picking out a shirt.

I put on my plain yellow shirt and plain white jeans. Put on my converse and i grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.

I ran downstairs and i past my family who were eating breakfast.

Laura:bye mom, dad, ness. Im going to school! (I said quickly as i make it to the door)

Mom:dont you want breakfast!?

Laura:NO THANKS! (I say as i walk out the door)

As i make it out my house i walked towards next door. And saw theres a girl waiting on their front porch.

She was looking through their windows. I then got a little curious and approached her

Laura:ummm im sorry but do you need anything?

She then jerks her head towards me

Girl:ohh here to see ross. You know him?

I then remembered this girl. She was one of ross' girls when he was a player. I remember rating her 4 out of 10. I looked at her and eyed her from bottom to up.

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