Chapter 29 A Couple's Vacation

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Ross' pov

Soo after me and laura talked in our balcony, i helped her packed her stuff cuz she's visiting her relatives.

Laura:ok i think thats everything.

Ross: (i sighed) i really wanna come with you....

Laura:then come with me. (She says while hugging my waists)

Ross: nah its'll be back tonight right?

She then furrows her eyebrows in confusion

Laura:what? No, i'll be back tomorrow.


Laura: me and my family are spending the night there.

Ross:WHAT?! I thought you were just visiting them for the day!

Laura: didnt you even notice that i packed some of clothes?

Well, i actually got a little confused on why she packed clothes. at first i thought it was just a girl thing.

Ross:but.....but.......but you.... I CANT SURVIVE A WEEKEND WITHOUT YOU!

Laura:then come with me. (She suggested)


------ROMEO'S BALCONY-------

Laura's pov

Soo im in the staircases hiding/spying on ross who was talking to my parents . Hahaha yep, he had to ask for their permission, he came oer to my house like a minute ago.

Ross:sooo do you mind if i come along?

Mom:ofcourse you can! (Mom says cheerfully)

Dad: hmmmm fine.

Laura:YES! (I shouted)

Oops. Everyone then jerked their heads up to the place i was sitting and i just smiled....

Laura:ohh....umm hey ross....(i laughed awkwardly) soo you're coming with us?

Ross: didnt you hear us from that hiding place of yours?(he smirked)

I then got down from the stairs and i had my bag of stuff with me

Laura:we leave in a few minutes, do you have time to get packed?

Ross:oh. Umm yeah, i only need a few clothes, we're only staying for one night right?

Mom:oh yes dear, only one night, then we go back home...,oh by the way does stormie know you're coming?

Ross:ohh umm not yet, i better go home for a while.

Mom:oh ok dear, we'll be loading the car. We'll wait for you.

Ross just nods politely

Laura:can i come with you?

Ross smiles and just reaches out his hand, i then took it and interwinded our hands together and we walk back to his house. He immediately searched for his mom and asked for her permission. After she agreed, we went directly to his room.

I directly flop on his bed as i watch him pack his things.

Laura:hurry up, i wanna see my relatives already.....(i whined)

Ross:how many relatives are we talking about anyway? (He says while placing some t-shirts in his bag)

Laura:well my aunt and uncle and my cousins, and some family friends. Its like a reunion.

Ross: do they know you have a boyfriend?

Laura:hmmm not really, but i'll introduce you once we get there.

Romeo's Balcony (raura)Where stories live. Discover now