Chapter 9 Just you and me

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Ross' pov

Me and laura are currently at a small diner.....and i think she's enjoying herself. This is the first time she has been to this diner, and it was only a one minute walk from our houses.

She told me she never had the time to come here cuz of all the studying.

Laura:well thanks for dinner ross (she smiles)

Ross: no problem. Its my payment for your good tutoring ;)

Laura:(she giggles)whatever.

The waitress then packs up our leftovers and we went out.

It was dark....a little. It was only 6:30 pm

I was holding laura's hand as we stroll home. She didnt seem to mind our hands being interwinded.

Ross:sooooo you enjoy having mein your classes?

She then glances up to me and smiles

Laura: of course i do.

Ross: i dont annoy you or anything?

She giggles

Laura:no, you dont. Its actually fun having you around.

Ross: awwwwwwww thats sweet (i say teasingly)

She pushes me playfully as we giggled

During our walk home, there were some moments of silence as i just stare down the floor or up the moon.

Laura: can i ask you something.....

I then glanced at her.

Ross:what is it?

She looked hesitant and worried.

Laura:'ve been.......acting ...........different around me.

Different? What does she mean?

Ross: different how?

Laura:well.....(she looks to her front and ignores my face) first, you wanted me to tutor you....second, you havent gotten another girl yet.....

Is that an issue?

Ross: soo what? Isnt that a good thing?

Laura: no it is! Im just ..............curious.

Ross: oh ...ok, lets just've influenced me.

She giggles glad.

We then reached pur houses and i walked her to her door first.

Laura:thanks again for dinner ross (she smiles as we reach her door)

Ross: see how much fun you could have if you dont cage yourself in your room studying?

Laura:(she giggles) yes.

There was an awkward silence, the movies, this is the time where we should kiss...., we were still holding hands

Laura:well...i should head inside. too.

I then let go of her hand and placed my hands in my pocket.


Ross:y-yeah...goodnight.(i smiled)

She then opens her door and walks inside,

I stare at the floor just thinking about today.

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