Chapter 46 Lynch Charming

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Laura's pov

Outside the school halls and into the school garden i was, it was filled with all these plants founded by the science club. It was right next to the outdoor basketball court we have which ross usually plays at,, which gave me a perfect view of him as i study here from time to time.

But sadly he isn't playing right now, he must be at the cafeteria or something.

I bowed my head down my books as i try to concentrate. Tomorrow is our last day of finals and were off to prepare from prom.

That was actually a good thing right? After the stress comes enjoyment and relaxation.

This place was filled with that kind of vibe where you find studying kinda interesting. Or is it just me. I think its just me. Cuz im like the only one who studies at lunch time around here.

I turned the page to chapter 26 physics. Browsed and scanned it a few tomes till i got tired.

I still have like 20 minutes of break time. Then im off to my last class with ross. Speaking of which, where is he?

I placed some of my books in my small bag and stood from the mediterranean bench and went of back inside.

Most students were back in front of their lockers to get some last mine things for the last subject, some dont care and are probably still at the cafeteria.

Knowing ross, he'll be in his locker. So thats where im going.


Ross' pov

Here in front of my locker trying to get some stuff at the same time trying to mute Sydney who was annoying me.

Sydney: come on rosssss, just tell laura that she could pick me as her lab partner for the last science project.

Ross: im not letting you use laura for high grades and besides, (i then closed my locker to face her) she's my lab partner.

Sydney:oh come on pleaseeeeeee. (She pleaded) in exchange, i'll go on a date with you

I then gave her a very confused look.

Ross:what? You do realize i have a girlfriend.

She nodded.

Ross:and she's laura....


Ross:laura....Ma-ra-no. (I stressed out) the one you want to be partnered with.

Sydney:yeah, i get it, whats your point?

Ok this girl is wacko.

Sydney: ross think of the benefits of laura and I being lab par-...

Ross: ok look(i cut her off) laura is my lab partner. I will not go on a date with you. And please visit a therapist soon....

She furrowed her eyebrows and just walked away.

Sheesh,people these days. I turn around, hoping to get to my next class when I saw laura standing there with arms crossed

Ross:Whoa(i jumped a little) he-hey marshmallow.

Laura: dont hey marshmallow me, what was that i heard about a date with Sydney.

Ross: (i slightly chuckled) awwww is my wittle giwl jealous? (I say in my baby voice while hugging her waists)

Her face looked a bit serious with a half smirk.

Ross: that was nothing.

She then gave me a look

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