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May 10th, 2003

It's been about two months since (Y/n) appeared in this world. During this time, she managed to find out a lot. The first, she believed this wasn't her world. The second, there were biker gangs roaming all over Japan, not only in Shibuya.

The two discoveries had her puzzled. (Y/n) was certain there were no such as things as gangs back where she's from.

Despite the shocking news, (Y/n) managed to live a honest life during her time here. She went to work everyday from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon. She earned her wages and was able to pay for food and smaller essentials like shampoo, body wash, pads, clothes, etc.

She had met her next door neighbor at her apartment; Baji Keisuke. It was quite funny actually. (Y/n) had once again heard yelling to the wall on her right before it went silent. A knock was soon heard on her door, causing her to get up and open it.

Standing in front of her door was a twelve year old kid with raven locks and bronze eyes averted from her. He was holding a plate of food,  "Kaa-chan wanted me to greet the new neighbor." He then faced (Y/n) and froze.

(Y/n) quirked an eyebrow, slowly taking the platter away from him while keeping her eyes on him, "Thank you." She smiled politely, turning to close the door.

"W-wait...!" He shouted, causing her to look back at him. The boy looked to the side, gulping, before he faced her, "I'm Baji Keisuke!" He introduced, his cheeks red.

(Y/n) smiled back, "I'm (Y/n) Hargreeves." She introduced herself, tucking a strand of (h/c) hair behind her ear.

Baji blushed at her voice. It was nice. He also thought she was very pretty. He couldn't stop staring at her. The raven-haired male has seen lots of girls in his middle school, but he never felt anything for them. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something about the (h/c)-ette that just drew him in.

"Uh...if you ever wanna come over..." Baji trailed off shyly. This was his first interaction with a girl that wasn't Emma, so of course he's nervous. He internally cursed himself for stammering.

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh a little, "I-uh, I think I get the gist of it." She said, patting his raven hair. Baji blushed before scurrying back into his apartment.

Blinking, (Y/n) watched confused for a moment, before shrugging it off and entering her home to eat the dish.

Anyways, that was the first time she met Baji, who was now her friend and frequent visitor to her home. (Y/n) always made sure to stock up on Peyoung Yakisoba for the boy since he obsessed with it. She even made sure to cover her wrist whenever he came by to hide the tattoo of her number.

The bell that hung in front of the convenience store rung. Hearing chattering, (Y/n) instinctively looked up to see a man entering the store, looking around nervously. Frowning, she watched as he approached her when a gun was suddenly pointed at her, "Gimme the money! Now!!" He demanded.

Ah, a robbery. (Y/n) smiled sarcastically at him, "I heard a won't rob anyone." The guy's eyes clouded over. She watched as he put away the gun and walked out of the store like nothing happened.

(Y/n) went back to working. She was glad her boss wasn't here and that there were no customers. Thirty minutes and she was now stocking back some items when the bell rung once more.

Glancing up, she spotted four young men entering the store, heading into one of the aisles. (Y/n) went back to stocking the shelves with pocky flavors. She felt a tap on her shoulder, "Excuse me, miss?"

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