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"You need me to what?"

"(Y/n), please." Shinichiro begged her, "I have a lot of work at the shop today and I won't be able to get the parts I need from the mechanic shop. The guy is expecting me to arrive today." He explained, screwing on bolts.

"Yeah, but why all the way out in Roppongi?" (Y/n) repeated her question.

Apparently, the older Sano needed her to travel there to collect some part for a bike he was working on for a customer. The guy he contacted owns a shop in Roppongi that sells parts; used and unused. Unfortunately, Shinichiro won't be able to make it since his customer was going to arrive at the shop and check the progress of their bike. So essentially, he was stuck and needed help.

"Why can't Wakasa and the others go?" She questioned, confused.

Shinichiro sighed, ruffling his dark hair, "They're busy with their own things today which is why they aren't at the shop as usual." He gave the (h/c)-ette a pleading gaze, "Please..."

(Y/n) groaned, "You really are like your brother. I can't believe you're using the puppy dog eyes on me." She glanced at him, "You look weird when you do it, stop that." She added.

Shinichiro blinked, before chuckling, "How mean." He said.

(Y/n) sighed, taking the list he had given her, "You're lucky I'm not working today. If I was, you would've been screwed." She uttered, folding the paper and tucking it in her jacket.

Shinichiro ruffled her hair. "Arigato, (Y/n)." He watched as she waved her hand, leaving through the front door to get on her bike.

As she was driving on the road, (Y/n)'s thoughts were on Roppongi. She heard it was a city full of dangerous delinquents roaming the streets. Then again, almost the entirety of Japan is full of biker gangs and delinquents. It was like a plague.

(Y/n) decided to quickly get something to eat before heading to the shop to get Shinichiro's parts. As she parked her bike, she got off and walked towards the cafe which was a block away, passing an alleyway.
She wanted a quick refreshment and snack

Entering the cafe, the smell of fresh brewed coffee and delicious snacks and pastries wafted through the air. The room was cool yet toasty and the place was thankfully not jam-packed. It was a perfect treat after a long day from school.

(Y/n) ordered an espresso for herself along with a muffin. After waiting for a bit, she grabbed the order, before exiting.

Sipping her drink, the caffeine coursed through her veins, spritzing up her tired body. A blissful sigh escaped her lips, "Now heaven." She groaned out, drinking more of the coffee.

As the (h/c)-ette walked back to her bike, she spotted the same alleyway where a couple of older guys were hanging out and smoking with another. Their laughter died down when their eyes caught sight of (Y/n). A lustful feeling took over them.

A wolf-whistle was heard behind her, causing the (h/c)-ette to stop in her tracks, "Damn, baby, you've got a nice ass there." One of them commented on (Y/n), who rolled her eyes.

Another male scoffed, eyeing (Y/n) while licking his lips, "That girl with the (h/c) hair is hot!"

The 'leader' chuckled, stepping closer to (Y/n), "Why don't you come and hang out with us for a bit, aye?"? He suggested, though his intentions weren't as innocent as he portrayed them to be.

Scowling at them, (Y/n) glared, clenching her fists, "Fuck off." She spat. The group of men didn't like that one bit.

"You bitch! How dare you disrespect me!"

World's Apart (Tokyo Revengers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now