Taiju Ending

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A/n: Please comment and tell what you think!!

Fists were flying in the air in mad rage as Taiju pummeled one gang member after the next. His face contorted into rage. Veins bulging out of his face. Eyebrow twitching. Blood splatters landed on his face as he continued with his onslaught.

He was pissed. The rage coursing his veins was burning his body like flames. How dare they. How dare these weak and minuscule men could even think they can lay their filthy hands on his woman without retaliation? If it was death they were seeking, he will surely deliver.

Where did it all go wrong? What was supposed to be a day out together with just the two of them ended up being destroyed by these worthless fools. He would make them pay for them fatal mistake.

"Taiju! Stop it!" Small soft hands reached up to grasp his bulky arm. The elder Shiba halted. He stood back up, clenching and unclenching his fists as he glared at the men with his signature deadly look.

"Beat it." He growled under his breath. The men picked each other up, rushing to scurry away from the former Black Dragons leader.

Taiju held a triumphant smirk as he bellowed out a loud laugh. Weak. He despised those types of people. He suddenly froze when he felt a gaze on him, tilting his head back to see his girlfriend glaring at him with arms crossed.

"Taiju...." (Y/n) gave him a look before sighing. She grabbed his arm and tugged him away. He sat down on the bench, watching as she took a cloth from her bag and began wiping his face gently from the small blood splatters.

She sighed, "Why do you always have to get into fights?"

Taiju said nothing as he watched her concentrate on his cleaning him up. He chuckled fondly, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her so that she stood in between in his legs, "I can't help it that those bastards dare to touch you!" He growled softly. "You're mine! Only I can put my hands on you!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, taking away the cloth from her boyfriend's face. She couldn't believe how much she fell for the bulky man but he quite the charmer when he wanted to be sometimes despite his brutish nature and overbearing qualities.

Taiju still had lots to learn. Everyday he was working on fixing himself and trying to control his urges to not hurt anyone. He was so used to getting his way with violent means that he didn't care who he hurt in the process. It was just the way he is. But he was working on becoming a better man for the (h/c)-ette. He wanted to show he was worthy of her. That he was worthy of her time and love.

"Don't let those guys ruin our special evening, Taiju." (Y/n) softly said, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

Taiju did mistakes in the past... Especially the way he raised his siblings; harsh words and even harder punches. But he is a different man now. He promised, he vowed even to never lay a single finger on the (h/c)-ett.

He wanted (Y/n) to see that he can change and that he can do better. He wanted to be the right man for her since she did choose to be with him. He had problems, but for her sake, he will try. He did not want to lose the only good thing in his life that made him feel alive.


(Y/n) stared at the gift, reluctantly taking it from her boyfriend. It was another shark plushie Taiju had given her. This was the hundredth time he gave her something shark related. Her bed was overflowing with them.

"Arigato, Taiju." She smiled at him, clutching his gift close to her chest. The older Shiba rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly.

They moved to the couch where they planned to watch a movie. He opened his arms for her to crawl into and was annoyed when he saw her bring the shark plushie along.

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