Kantou Manji Arc Part 3

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(Y/n) was restocking feminine products on the shelves when the bell rung, signaling the arrival of someone in her shop. Looking up, she spotted a customer and went back to what she was doing.

Once she was finished, she moved onto the next aisles and did the same before heading back into the front and sitting behind the counter, opening the magazine and reading.

Customers began piling in one by one as they bought their desired items which (Y/n) cashed out and bagged for them.

"Hi there." Looking up, she spotted a cute guy who was nervously staring at her with a blush on his cheeks, a pack of batteries and a flashlight in his hand.

She smiled back in greeting, "Hey." She took his items and began scanning them, putting them into a bag. She told him the price, which he paid. "Here's your receipt, have a nice day."

"U-uhm..!" The male jolted, bursting out in a shout before he realized what he did, rubbing the back of his head, "S-sorry! It's just...you look very pretty...and I was wondering if you...wanted to go out with me...later?"

(Y/n) hasn't actually had time for herself in a while, so she shrugged, nodding her head with a smile, "Sure." The guy smiled in happiness. "I get off at four."

"I'll pick you up later?" He asked. She nodded, watching as he left the store, nearly tripping on his feet. Nerd. She chuckled.

(Y/n) continued her shift till four o clock. Once she finished, she clocked out and grabbed her bag, leaving the store.

She spotted the same guy waiting patiently for her outside, next to a car. He noticed her and smiled, "You're here! I know this awesome place in Minato. It's got amazing food."

Now, some of you might be thinking why she would go with a stranger she just met? Isn't it dangerous. Well, (Y/n) is an excellent fighter and she has her powers, so she's not afraid. Besides, it'll be nice to be with someone who's not part of a gang.

Getting into his car, the guy, whose name is Narumi, drove down the street. He excitedly conversed with her and told her he lived near the area and was working in a studio for arts.

When they arrived in Minato City, he parked his car and got out, going to open the door for (Y/n). They arrived at a beautiful eat in that had outdoor seating.

They ordered their food and took it with them, seating outside. (Y/n) got a burrito bowl.

"So? What made you want to 'ask' me out?" She munched on some chickpeas, looking at the guy before her with curiosity.

Narumi chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head, "I'm actually one of your frequent customers and I've been waiting to have a chance to talk with you since you seem kind of cool and pretty attractive, but I kind of chickened out and left." He looked down embarrassedly.

(Y/n) waved her hand, "It's alright. It happens to everyone, even girls." She nonchalantly said. "Though I'm flattered you think I'm attractive." She placed a hand on her heart jokingly. He chuckled.

He opened his mouth to say something when shadows casted over them.

A hand slammed in front of her on top the table, "Hello there, baby~." A smooth voice purred into (Y/n)'s ear, causing her to glance back and see Ran. Next to him, was Rindou, Kakucho, Madarame and Mucho.

"Ran." She coolly greeted. She watched irritated as the five of them grabbed a chair from one of the other tables and dragged it to her table with a screech, sitting next to her and Narumi, nearly pushing the male to the side.

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