Bonten Arc Part 5 🎴

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how the fuck could they think they would be better off without (y/n)? did they seriously thought after seeing the girl once and deciding to leave her alone that things would go back to being as normal as a criminal organization can get? Fuck no!

one month has passed for bonten without seeing the (h/c)-ette or knowing what she was doing. It was absolute torture. They thought by excluding her from their life was doing her a favor but it ended up being more painful for them instead.

endless nights of thinking about (y/n) plagued their minds that being distracted at work was now an issue. Who knew a woman could tear down the infamous crime organization without her even doing anything.

sanzu pulls the trigger of his gun, shooting a traitor in the head three times. He didn't care about the blood that splattered onto his clothes or the few droplets of warm blood on his face. He was angry and frustrated.

The pink-haired mullet clicked his tongue, scratching the top of his head frustrated as his blue hooded eyes glares at the dead bodies, "I can't fucking stand this anymore!" He roared, throwing his gun across the room.

It clattered against one of the crates, falling to the ground.

The others watched silently as he paced back and forth, a psychotic look on his face, "one month and I'm already dying!! I want (Y/n)!!" He roars, snapping his head towards the others, blue eyes widening with insanity, "i never thought I'd end up crazy because of a woman." He chuckles dryly, clutching the front of hair.

ran and rindou exchange glances, "I thought he was always crazy." The latter whispers to his brother, who agrees, turning back to the pinkette to watch the scene.

kokonoi scoffs, pushing his hair back from his face, "you think you're the only one, barbie? What about the rest of us?" He sighed exasperatedly, tucking his hands into his royal red robe.

"I agree with sanzu though. I can't get (y/n) out of my head. I know we agreed she should be left alone and not involved with bonten, but I didn't think it'll be this hard, we got a reputation to uphold here as a crime organization and we can't be seen lagging behind or our enemies will get the better of us." rindou says, sitting on the hood of his car, legs crossed.

kakucho sighs, darting his gaze from the broken window to the others, "rindou is right but we're stuck on two sides of a quarter here. neither of us want to bring (y/n) into bonten but if we don't have her with us our organization is gonna deplete to nothing the longer we're distracted by the mere thought of her."

sanzu rolls his eyes, silently agreeing as he now speaks, "besides, what's there to be afraid of? draken and the others are no match for us anyways. I say we take them out (not kill them unless mikey orders us to), grab (y/n) and get back to business. I'm sure she wouldn't mind staying with us forever, right?" He grins widely.

"i'm sure she'll hate us for forever." kakucho points out, "nevertheless, is that our plan now? we kidnap (y/n) and what?...lock her away in our penthouse and play house?" He demands, looking at them with incredulity.

sanzu, ran, rindou and kokonoi exchange glances, "it's not a bad idea when you say it." The money-maker grins, "we'll love her, respect her, treat her right and give her all the luxuries in the world. In turn, we'll be her husband's and she...our lovely wifey. It's a win-win for all of us, right?"

"and if she doesn't want to be with us then we'll just have to show her we're the best choice and make her love us." ran grins lazily.

kakucho scoffs, "I think she'll slap the shit out of us." As much as he loves and secretly wants that idea, someone has to have common sense in the group and see past imagination.

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