Toman Part 1 卍

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July 4th 2005

The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the people of Japan. The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky. The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light. Men, women, teenagers and kids alike were heading home from their daily activities at either work or school. Club activities took most of the day. It was a repetitive day like all other days. The same boring routines.

(Y/n) was finished with work. Her bag clutched onto her hand. She decided to take a different route today and walked past a school that was nearby. Mizo Middle School. As she passed the property, she heard some grunts and mocking laughter. Her (e/c) orbs caught sight of a creepy looking guy with his pathetic friends beating up a figure that was hunched over like a turtle.

(Y/n) approached the group, a frown on her face. What was up with delinquents bullying people?? "Hey." She called out to them.

The group of males turned around in confusion to see the (h/c)-ette standing behind them with a frown on her face, arms crossed.

"Tch! Who the hell are you!?" He demanded, looking at the beautiful (h/c)-ette, before scanning her form up and down perversely, licking his lips.

Glaring at his actions, (Y/n) frowned, "Why don't you bastards leave him alone and pick on someone your own size." She spat out, "I don't tolerate bullying in any shape or form so I'll let you off with a warning." The group of men laughed as Kiyomasa walked towards her, stopping in front of her.

He leaned down, smirking, "C'mon, don't be like that. We were only teaching our slave a lesson. Besides, a pretty girl like you shouldn't waste your breath on a loser like him. Why don't you come and hang out with us, aye?"

(Y/n) held an indifferent look, not liking the way he spoke about the kid. "I would never go with someone who treats people like they're dirt. This boy is not a slave nor is he a handyman to whatever you're making him do! Loser? I think I see the bigger loser in front of me." She mentally patted her back, knowing Five would be proud of her.

The injured blonde stared at (Y/n) in awe and fear. He was surprised she had stood up for him and was defending him. He was also terrified for her because he knew how Kiyomasa was. The male was violent and resorted to hurting people who gets on his nerve. He hates any kind of insult because it damages his pride.

The crybaby hero was worried for the pretty (h/c)-ette. RUN AWAY!!!

"Do you have any idea who he is!?" One of them loudly exclaimed, "This is Kiyomasa!"

The name gave her a sense of familiarity before she realized he was a Toman member, "Oh, you're a Toman member, huh?" She mocked.

Kiyomasa's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as his lackies gasped behind him at (Y/n)'s boldness. Did this girl not show any fear!? "What the hell did you say to me?" He spoke in a threatening voice.

"What? Hard of hearing?" (Y/n) mocked, smirking at Kiyomasa's irritation towards her. She wasn't no pussy.

"You bitch!!" Kiyomasa raised his fists to hit her as his friends gasped behind him. They knew hitting girls was a big 'NO' in Toman. They were frightened what the consequences would be if someone were to catch them in the act.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Takemitchy yelled in fear, struggling to stand up.

Dodging to the left, (Y/n) was quick to avoid the attack, bending down and swiping her leg to knock Kiyomasa on his back. With a swift spin on her heel, her foot made contact with his cheek, sending him flying to the side and unmoving on the concrete. His cheek swollen and red, blood escaping his mouth.

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