Bonten Arc Part 12 🎴

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bonten was not having it anymore, they were taking (y/n). For her own protection.

Late in the evening, (y/n) was sitting on her couch with a bowl of (food name). She was watching tv and it was well deserved since chifuyu and the others were acting like a mother hen towards her and enforcing curfew, what was she?..a four year old? Sigh.

She was too tired to argue with them and leave them to their antics. Anyways, she heard her door slam open and turns her head when footsteps marches into her house and towards the living room, revealing the bonten trio with grins.

"time to go, doll face." Before (y/n) can question what he meant, the tall haitani hauls her over his shoulder (not before setting her bowl down & shutting the tv off) and walks out her house with sanzu and rindou following behind.

"hey!..what are you doing!?" She demands in confusion, being gently put in the car. The trio get in after her and sanzu goes speeding off down the road towards their headquarters with a wide grin on his face.

"what does it look like? clearly you're not safe by yourself or with those guys and since you refuse to take our offer, we have no choice but to bring you in against your will." rindou says, glancing at her from his spot in the passenger seat, his jellyfish hair accentuating his features.

(y/n) glances at them, "i'm still here aren't i?" She lightly remarks, causing silence among the bonten trio...still!...they weren't taking chances. The enemy can strike at any moment.

They soon arrive in bonten headquarters, sanzu driving to the underground parking where his and the other's expensive ass vehicles were. He stops in an empty space and he turns in his seat, grinning at (y/n) with his blue puppy eyes looking at her with excitement and happiness, "welcome home, sweet cheeks!" He exclaims, hurriedly getting out the car and yanking her door open, helping her out.

"home?" She mumbles to herself, quirking an eyebrow as she follows behind the bonten trio, sanzu holding her hand the entire time as they lead her into the large building, soon taking the elevator all the way to the top to meet mikey and the rest of the executives.

(y/n) just stays silent, blinking at everything she sees. In a matter of no time, she finds hers facing mikey in his big and cold office with sanzu and the others standing off to the side. The short male gazes at her stoically, "(y/n)-chin, you know why you're here. You'll be staying with us for the meantime till we figure out who's targeting you and why." He leaves no room for discussion.

"uhm, manjiro..." she begans, looking at the short male who stares at her, "don't you think this is too much?"

mikey quirks an eyebrow, munching on his dorayaki, "what's too much? you were chased down by six men (twice). It's clear whoever is in charge has an objective for you and they won't stop until they get it." He sees the (h/c)-ette open her mouth and quickly says, "just let me protect you."

kakucho then speaks, looking at her with soft eyes, "we are in no way in ridiculing you, (y/n). In each encounter you've faced, you came out unharmed and we're glad for that. You're fighting prowess is amazing but we can't take chances. What if you get overpowered and taken for real this time?" He tries to explain to her, expressing his worries and concern for the girl.

(y/n) wanted to argue and say she has her powers and she can handle herself but that would come out too weird and they'll think she's she opts for a deal, "...I'll stay with you guys but i get to choose to leave when i want." She says.

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