Bonten Arc Part 14 🎴

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A delicious aroma enters the noses of the bonten men as they lounge around in the living room, their eyes darting to the kitchen and seeing (y/n) baking something, they have no idea what though.

mikey, whom has an addiction to sweets and pastries, mindlessly gets up from his spot and walks to the counter; standing adjacent from the (h/c)-ette and watching her with dull obsidian hues, ".....what are you doing?" He asks her with a stoic gaze, blinking.

(y/n) glances up at him, wiping her forehead from the sweat and giving him a faint smile, "oh me?...i wanted to try this interesting recipe for brownies and thought I'd give it a shot." She chuckles, the oven timer sets off and she goes to take out the tray, mittens in hand.

She sets the brownie tray down to cool off and she giggles when she see's a spot of drool coming from mikey as he stares at the pastry with hungry eyes, she hands him a tissue, "you'll all get a piece when I say so." She instructs.

Since mikey and the others have been so strict with her, she decides to randomly bake just because...later on she plans on visiting draken and the others to give them their share of the brownies too. It's been like that ever since, she sometimes stays at bonten headquarters or she goes out on her way (in which mikey and the others are deathly worried about her and insist she come back right away; takeomi doesn't bother and mochi minds his own business).

The bonten men (except takeomi and mochi) were enamored by (y/n). They think she's wifey material and since she could fight it was bonus for them too. Who wouldn't want a woman that could do both?..and most of all...she was theirs for the moment.

when the brownies cool off, (y/n) hands all of them one piece each, "arigato, hime-chan~." koko winks at her flirtatiously, which she stares nonchalantly. He takes a bite of the pastry and widens his eyes, "this is really good." He murmurs, munching on some more till he finishes it all.

The others agreed, grabbing more pieces. sanzu and mikey take the most since they love sweets, the tray almost empty, luckily she managed to put some away for her visit to draken and the others. She pleasantly smiles, "ya think so?" They nod, "i'm glad you enjoy them."

"you're cooking is heavenly, sweet cheeks." sanzu moans out, devouring all the brownies in one go while the haitani brothers watch in disgust.

(y/n) chuckles, going to the kitchen to clean up. ran and rindou soon stand up to follow her, helping her with the dishes along the way. Their arms brushing her sides or going above her head to put the trays back in place.

They all leave the penthouse for work, pecking her head on the way. The investigation for the mafia boss still ongoing. While the men were busy, (y/n) walks out of bonten hideout, heading down the streets.

She finally stops in front of draken's shop, pushing the door open, the bell signaling a customer present. draken and inupi glance up and are pleasantly surprised to see her, immediately putting down their tools to approach her.

"(y/n)." draken envelopes her in a big warm hug, his arms holding her protectively as he inhales her scent, he pecks the skin in between her shoulder and neck before pulling away, "where have you been?! i know you said not to worry and that you have a place but still, it's not safe to wander out by yourself with a giant target on your back." He berates.

inupi was just glad his friend was alright and not chased by maniacs this time.

"i know, but I wanted to see you guys," she pauses, "and i brought brownies." She nonchalantly places the box in inupi's hand, the male immediately digging into it till draken yanks it from him.

"don't eat all of it!!" He wanted some too....

(y/n) chuckles, "there's plenty for everyone." She smiles softly, "i just wanted to stop by and say not to worry about me. I'" She was confused herself but just went with it.

draken sighs, looking at her figure with soft eyes as he put down the brownie box, tugging her into his arms by the waist, "i know that but i still can't help but worry about you...none of us can." He kisses her softly, which she slowly reciprocates before they parted. He sighs against her lips, "just stay safe for me, alright?"

"I promise." (y/n) responds with a quiet voice, looking at him with hooded eyes. She stays a little longer at the shop before heading out, going back to bonten base before mikey and the others throw a fit for staying out too late. She sighs.


A few days later....

(y/n) was watching tv in the living room/kitchen. It was some kind of alien movie, it was grotesque and creepy. Her ears perk up, hearing the sound of a helicopter nearing. She shrugs it off, it was probably a tv newscast or something.

But just in case...she stands up from the couch, nearing the large glass window to examine it closely. She jumps back when she sees four figures with cables attached to their waist heading towards her in full speed from the helicopter, gunshots were heard and the glass shatters loudly, an alarm blares loudly.

The alarm was enough to send mikey and the others in a frenzy as they all rush out their office and head for the elevator or stairs, (y/n) was the only thing flashing through their minds along with panic.

"what the fuck was that!?" sanzu demands, one of the people who's rushing up the stairs and alongside him was Ran.

"don't tell me it's—" the older haitani begins but is cut off by the pink haired mullet, who glares murderously at him, gun in hand. Ran doesn't want to think that way either but it's clearly obvious what was happening right under their noses and in their own fucking building!

"don't you fucking dare say it, haitani!" sanzu spats, adrenaline taking over and heart beating fast beyond recognition as his only thought was on (y/n). He clenches his jaw, cussing loudly. Just hold on, baby. we're coming....

Meanwhile, our boss-girl (y/n) stands up, round-housing kicking one of the men rushing at her. She leaps behind the couch when his teammates shoots at her, nicking her in the leg, she winces, holding it in her grasp.

She gets up from her hiding place, charging at the men who point their gun at her. She tackles one of them and there's a power struggle as she tries to shove him out the broken window and is actually successful, hearing his screams as he falls out.

She grunts, feeling another set of arms grab her from behind and toss her to the floor before stepping on her back with his shoe and straddling her.

(y/n) tries to get him off her but the others come around her, "i heard a rumor—-" she was smacked across the face by one of the men's gun, groaning in pain. She feels something inject into her skin and she slumps, feeling her body heavy and eyelids drooping.

The last thing she remembers is being hauled over someone's shoulder and a door slamming open, followed by someone shouting her name and gunshots flying before darkness takes over.


a/n: how was that, y'all?! So sorry for the short chappie!

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