Tenjiku Part 8 ☯️

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"No, you didn't lose everything, Izana." A voice said. All eyes darted to the newcomers. Shocked murmurs were heard amongst the crowd.

"No way, is that—!?"

"Holy shit! It's them!"

Shinichiro and the founders of Black Dragons stood tall. Next to the older Sano was (Y/n), a frown on her face. The group walked past the Toman and Tenjiku members.

"Black Dragons!!"

Inui and Kokonoi were stunned to see the first ever generation of Black Dragons right in front of them. They weren't in uniform since the gang disbanded a long time ago, nonetheless they still looked cool. The four greatest founders of all time.

"Damn, what a mess." Takeomi mumbled, smoking his cigarette. His eyes caught Sanzu's, who looked away from him.

"Shinichiro...." Izana mumbled in shock. His orchid eyes were wide, lips trembling. The torrent of emotions he was feeling was beyond overwhelming. The person who always stood by his side, raised him, and taught him. The person who he admired the most.

Shinichiro held a sad smile, slowly approaching Izana and Mikey. He stood in front of them, placing a hand on each of their heads, causing their bodies to stiffen in shock, "Gomenasai, Izana." He spoke softly.

Izana trembled, clenching his hand tightly around the gun and pointing it at Shinichiro. Mikey and Emma shouted, "Big bro!!"

The older sano held a hand up in their direction, silencing them. His obsidian gaze locked on Izana, "Izana, please. Let me explain." He pleaded to the male.

The platinum blonde glared at him, "Why should I?! You lied to me!! I'm not even your real family!! I'm not your brother!! Not even theirs!!"


That was all everyone except for Shinichiro and (Y/n), could feel.

Shinichiro spoke up, a soft smile on his face, "Why does blood matter? It's the bonds that we share the most important, whether it's sibling or not. That's what makes us family. We don't have to be related for me to consider you my little brother. The day I met you is when I knew that you were gonna be a special part of our family."

Izana felt a lump in his throat and his eyes were stinging. But he willed himself not to cry. Blood does matter because that shows you do have family and that you're not alone. "What would you know!? You have Mikey! He's your actual blood brother!" He argued, raising his voice.

Shinichiro frowned sadly. Mikey watched Izana with blank eyes. Emma cried into her hands.

(Y/n) stepped forward, "Izana..." All eyes darted to her, some were surprised and shocked to see her there amongst them while others were glad she was alive.

The platinum blonde stilled. His orchid eyes staring at her. "......"

"I know what it's like to not have family." She began, making Izana scoff. Ignoring it, she continue, "From the day I was born, I was immediately taken away from my birth mother."


"Me...along with seven other children were adopted since birth by a man who we call 'Father.' We grew up in a place called the Umbrella Academy. The eight of us were not blood related but we loved each other very much despite how crazy, stupid and eccentric we are. Blood didn't matter because growing up, all we had was each other. No friends, no blood relatives. Only seclusion." (Y/n) looked down solemnly.

Everyone was baffled by what they were hearing. Too stunned by the past of (Y/n) Hargreeves.

"(Y/n)..." Draken breathed out, wide eyed.

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