Moebius Arc Part 1 ♾

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It was dark out as (Y/n) was headed back to her home. The girl had to cover for one of her fellow employees who was sick with the flu.

Yawning, (Y/n) couldn't believe how much time has passed since she arrived in this world. She was beginning to think Five and the rest of her siblings had given up on finding her or probably couldn't even find her. The hope she had was slowly dwindling.

On the other hand, she quite enjoyed being in this time. She was able to live a normal life to the best of her ability minus all the gang activity. There was no Temps Commission coming after her. There was no one targeting her. It felt surreal.

(Y/n) had met many people who slowly began to impact her life and she to them. The (h/c)-ette wasn't even aware of it herself.

In honesty, (Y/n) is glad to be here with Mikey and the others. If she had the choice to whether return back home or not, she would undoubtedly stay here because she felt all the adventure she was looking for was right here with her newfound friends.

Yeah, she might miss her old life and being with her siblings, but the matter of the fact is, she was a nobody in her home. She had no friends, no boyfriend, nothing. All her life was simply trying to be normal.

But (Y/n) knew she far from normal.

A scream broke her out of her thoughts. (Y/n) snapped her head to the right and saw a group of delinquents in a white uniform surrounding someone as they beat up a person. It looked like two people were in trouble.

(Y/n) instantly headed towards them, "Hey, dumbass!"  She crossed her arms, a frown on her face.

All eyes turned to her.

(E/c) orbs snapped towards the two people in the center. A male was bloody and bruised, his eyes closed and barely moving. Probably unconscious. The girl was just as battered and her clothes looked like it was about to rip.

Glaring at the gang members, (Y/n) cocked her head to the side, her brows pinched together, "Why don't you men get the hell away from them and scram?"

One of the men laughed in her face, eyeing her, "Or what? What can a shrimp like you do?" He mocked.

(Y/n) held a sarcastic expression, "You don't want to test that theory." Her eyes were calm and leveled.

The other men laughed, thinking she was just bluffing, before a second one spoke, "Hey, doesn't she look familiar?" Silence ensued as the gang members in white examined her properly.

"Doesn't she look like the rumored princess of Toman?"

"Wait a minute! She is the Princess of Toman!"

"What!? Seriously dude!"

The leader of the group spoke up, a lewd grin on his face, "This is becoming more interesting. Forget about those two." He gestured to the girl and boy, eyes never leaving (Y/n), "Why don't we teach Toman a lesson for messing with Moebius, right?"

"You mean....?"

The leader chuckled, tossing his cigarette away, "Heh. I get first round though."

(Y/n) scrutinized them, giving them a dirty look. She hated men like them. "I heard a rumor....that you punched yourselves repeatedly till you fall unconscious."

She watched amused as their eyes glossed over before they began punching themselves repeatedly like she said, their faces beginning to get all bloody and bruised.

(Y/n) turned back to the girl and boy. She approached the two when the girl backed away from her, fear on her face. "S-Stay away...!" She yelped.

(Y/n) paused in her tracks. She expected a reaction like that. She couldn't blame the girl since what she did was abnormal. Supernatural. Strange.

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