Bonten Arc Part 1 🎴

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A/n: okay you guys, this is the remake of the bonten arc!! I hope you enjoy this one, ofc, this (y/n) hargreeves will be more serious and acting as her character in the previous chapters and we'll see more of her powers too! Majority of the parts will remain the same but the plot is completely different. Enjoy!!

March 16th 2018

Takemichi opened his eyes, he was in a bathroom, staring back at his reflection. He slowly touched his cheek. I'm back! There's no mistaking it...Naoto is alive!!

The crybaby hero looked around confusedly. Where is this place? And why am I wearing a tuxedo? The sound of church bells were heard, bellowing loudly. Takemichi instantly mistaken it for his wedding day, after he remembered the promise he made to Hinata to marry her twelve years later.

He quickly ran out of the bathroom, stumbling on his feet. Before he can even do anything, someone called out to him, "you're late! Jeez! The wedding reception has started!"

Takemichi's eyes watered at the sight of Hinata in a beautiful dress. Before he could even say anything, she yanked him by the arm, "we can't make the groom wait any longer can we?"

Takemichi was confused, tears still in his eyes. Hinata clarified that it was Hayashida's wedding. Before he knew it, he was inside a large reception hall.

Tables were placed all around, seated with many guests. Photographers were flashing their cameras at the bride and groom on top of a pedestal/stage. A lavish couch was behind them, ready for them to sit on. Men and women were gathered with drinks in their hand, best dressed in their suits and gowns.

"You're late, Takemichy." A drawling deep voice spoke.

"Hurry and grab a seat." Another voice instructed.

"And now the main characters of the day—our newly wed couple!!" The announcer/spokesman said with a grin. Everyone cheered loudly.

Takemichi gaped at the couple. His face shocked. Eh!? You mean, Pah-chin!?

"Uh...thank you for coming today." Pah-chin nervously said, scratching the back of his head, "the clouds...are not overcasting...and it's sunny—-"

"Is this a weather forecast or what!?" Someone in the audience shouted, laughing loudly in amusement.

Takemichi looked around him, observing the guests at the tables. He heard someone shout, "shut up!! Pah-chin got his brain dried up, okay!?" Peh-yan had an irritated look on his face.

Mitsuya chuckled, his hair grown out a bit but still short, "peh-yan, you're still so noisy." Said male told the lilac-haired male to shut up.

"Peh-Yan can't shut up." A blue haired male grinned, a female beside him. Hakkai and Yuzuha.

"You guys are so noisy, I'll kill you all!" Smiley grinned. Sat beside him was Angry, "big bro, you're the noisiest one now." He side glanced his pink floofy haired brother.

Draken smirked, "come on now, pah-chin hasn't even finished talking." Beside him were inupi and kazutora.

"You are all too mean to him, right takemichy?" Chifuyu chuckled, tilting his head back to gaze at the male.

Shinichiro grinned in amusement at the scene. Emma sighed in annoyance, "you all are being very rude! It's Pah-chin's wedding!" She scolded, holding onto her boyfriend's arm.

Baji wolfishly smirked, cracking his knuckles, "want me to beat their asses? They deserve it! Afterwards, I want Peyoung Yakisoba! Oi! Pah-chin!! You better have some!!" He shouted.

Takemichi stared at them, tears swelling in his eyes. His chest heaved with relief. You guys are all....laughing happily.

Hinata looked at him, "....what's wrong?" Takemichi kept his gaze ahead of him, "I just can't believe it...."

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