Chifuyu Ending

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Chifuyu is so cute and shy when he showed up with a single rose, cliche she knows, but he doesnt know who else to turn for advice. His friends are not really good when it comes to girls considering they don't even have a girlfriend so he took advices from romantic movies and tv shows.

This is basically his first girlfriend and first love, so it's understandable how awkward he is around the (h/c)-ette. He never felt like this before but he will try his hardest to not be awkward around (y/n) so he could talk normally to her and hopefully their relationship can grow into something more stronger than it ever was.

(Y/n) tentatively took hold of the rose, twirling it in between her fingers before sniffing it. It smelled heavenly and all nature-y. "It's beautiful," she gazed at her boyfriend with a shy smile, "thank you, Chifuyu!"!

The blonde undercut scratched his head with a prominent blush on his cheeks, "'s nothing..!" He averted his eyes to the side.

They soon exited her house and walked down the sidewalk hand in hand. It was the most cutest thing ever seeing the couple share shy glances or blush at the mere contact.

"How is Peke J?"

Chifuyu darted his eyes to the (h/c)-ette, "Oh, him?" He chuckled, "he's a rather sneaky cat. He often likes to come and go whenever he wants and makes a mess outta my room." He grumbled, thinking of the black cat.

(Y/n) chuckled, having met the cat herself when she visited her boyfriend at his house, which his mother was rather ecstatic to see her, "I'm sure he's not that bad."

Chifuyu grinned, "you're right. In fact, he's the most tamest when he's with you, (y/n). If I were to say, he seems to like you the most." He chuckled.

"Pish-posh, Chifuyu." (Y/n) waved her hand bashfully, "Peke J probably likes the head pats and belly rubs I give him." She giggled.

"That makes you his mama, I suppose," the blonde teased, tugging her closer to her, "and me, the father." He adored the cute blush on his super-powered girlfriend, causing him to chuckle.

"Whatever...." She pushed him with a faint smile on her lips, the two continued on their walk.


Giggles resounded in (y/n)'s bedroom as she was being tickled by her boyfriend, squirming away from his wandering hands, "Chifuyu..!...stop...!"

"No can do, princess." The blonde teased, enjoying her small fits of laughter before he finally receded, watching her with a wide smile as she tried to catch her breath.

(Y/n) pouted, huffing, "you're so mean..! I was literally dying!" She complained, turning away from him to chuck a pillow at him.

Chifuyu teased her, catching the pillow before it hits his face, "aww, is my little Hargreeves upset with me?" In truth, he was actually glad the (h/c)-ette was behaving out of her usual nature. Normally she wasn't all smiles and carefree, instead she was calm, collected, mature, and wise. She always kept to herself. But he supposed, he loved both sides of her equally.

"What?" (Y/n) caught Chifuyu staring at her in a daze, wondering what was going on through his head.

The blonde snapped out of it, chuckling nervously, "it's nothing. I just thought how different you seem to be now that were reunited with your siblings..."

(Y/n) sighed, shifting into a yoga pose and crossing her legs, "Don't get me wrong, I've always been like this but only to my siblings. In fact, Allison is the only one that shares the same energy as me, when we're excited we tend to act completely different than our usual composed selves. Klaus is a given...and maybe Viktor too, i suppose it's a sibling thing." She says, hand to her chin.

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