Tenjiku Part 1 ☯️

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(Y/n) was walking on the sidewalk, heading to a cafe to get something light to eat after working her shift at the convenience store. Her worker's ID hanging on her neck. As she was passing Shibuya station, she heard lots of yelling and could faintly hear the loud voice of Chifuyu shouting.

Pausing, she decided to follow the noise and enter Shibuya Station. There were a lot of men in red uniforms and on the ground unconscious was Chifuyu.

Frowning, (Y/n) called out to them, "Hey!" Their eyes diverted to her approaching figure, a prominent frown on her face.

A big buff guy with a braided ponytail scowled at her. His intimidating figure towered over hers. "Step aside, girly, unless you wanna get hurt." He threatened.

From what she could tell, he was apparently the leader of a division. Frowning, (Y/n) stood her ground, "You would hit a female?" She dared to ask, cocking her head to the side.

Mochizuki, one of the four heavenly kings of Tenjiku, narrowed his eyes at her, "No, but if you get in our way, then don't expect us to be nice."

(Y/n)'s eyes darted to Chifuyu, whose jacket hood was clenched in the big bulky man's grasp, "Let go of my friend." She calmly told him.

Mochizuki grinned, eyebrow raising, "Friend, huh? Does that mean you're apart of those Toman fuckers too? Isn't this a wonderful day."

The men in red began chuckling, some were eyeing the (h/c)-ette with leering looks.

"I don't know your reasons for coming here in Shibuya, but if it's a gang fight you're looking for, then it would best to consult to our leader first instead of targeting our members." (Y/n) spoke wisely.

Mochizuki glared down at her, "Hah? Do you think this is some kind of childish game, woman?" He leaned down closer to her, so that he was at eye level, "We came here from Yokohama.....to kill some Toman fuckers."

(Y/n) sarcastically smiled, "I heard a rumor, you and your members went back to Yokohama." She watched as the big buff guy stood back up, releasing Chifuyu.

"Oi!! Everyone!! Let's head back to base!!!" Mochizuki announced, confusing the rest of the members in red coats.

"But boss—-!"

"What about the guys in Shinjuku?!"

"What about Shibuya?!"

Mochizuki glared at the male, "Shut the hell up!!!We're going back! Inform the others!" He roared at them.

Meanwhile, Takemichi and his friends were confused when the Tenjiku members suddenly retreated.

Hanma and Kisaki were confused as well. Wasn't the plan to attack Toman? Why are they retreating so suddenly?

When Smiley and Angry arrived at the scene, they were befuddled, wondering where the Tenjiku members are.

"I don't know. They suddenly retreated. Maybe they were ordered to." Takemichi reluctantly said, unsure what to think.

"Hey!" A feminine voice called out to them. They all turned around to see (Y/n) walking towards them, a half awake Chifuyu leaning heavily on her shoulder, his arm wrapped around her neck.

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