Valhalla Part 4 👼

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October 31st 2005

At the abandoned car lot, there were all sorts of spectators loitering around. Toman versus Valhalla is a big fight and whoever wins will become one step closer into ruling Tokyo. All the delinquent bosses from different gangs; small or big, were present.

Sitting a top some cars were the Haitani brothers. They were the most talked about. Rulers of Roppongi. They can call over a hundred guys to their side because of their charisma. Not only were they handsome they were excellent fighters as well.

To the corner, were the founders of Black Dragon and their leader watching everybody with piercing gazes. Their group was made of legends with their own special skills. Anybody who was anybody knew about them. Black Dragons had the infamous White Leopard.

Hansen stepped up, "Tch, Valhalla and Toman ain't the shit." He walked to the center, "I'll be the one overseeing this fight today. The name's Hansen and I'm from the Ikebukuro Criminal Black Members." He's one of the big guys from the 1988 group.

Wakasa narrowed his eyes, a stick in his mouth, "There's a lot of big fry here for a simple gang fight." He murmured, tucking his hands into his pockets. Benkei, Takeomi and Shinichiro agreed.

"You guys ready?!" Hansen began, "Let's bring out the big stars today!!" He shouted. On one side, the shutter gates opened, revealing Toman. "Tokyo Manji Gang!!" On the other side, was Valhalla. "Valhalla!!"

Mikey stepped forward. His presence caused murmurs to erupt amongst the spectators. "Hansen-kun, thank you for overseeing this fight today."

One member from Black Members spoke up, "Representatives from each gang, step forward!!" Draken and Kazutora stepped up, standing a foot a way from each other, staring each other down.

Hansen gave them a bored stare, "A five on five with your best guys...or an all out melee with everyone. Which one you guys wanna do?"

Draken spoke up, "Valhalla brought this on us, so it's only fair they decide, right Kazutora?" The banana-haired boy said nothing, "We only have one condition, Baji Keisuke's return. If Toman wins this battle, we're taking Baji back."

Kazutora scoffed, his earring jingling, "Hah?! Baji came to us on his own. There's nothing to return." He shrugged.

Draken gave him a menacing stare, "We're taking Baji back, got that?" Kazutora scowled at him, "You jackass...bring it on."

Hansen looked at them, "Huh? You guys gonna fight--" He was caught off guard when Kazutora punched him in the stomach, then punched him in the face. His body fell with a thump.

Kazutora had an unsettling expression on his face, his lips twisted into a grin, "Give me a break. Oversee? Conditions? You guys come here to play house or some shit?" He spread his arms out wide, "We came to beat the shit out of you till you die!"

Hanma smirked, "Wanna get shit started already, Mikey?" He called out.

Meanwhile, while the fight began, (Y/n) had just arrived from work, panting. She peered around the corner, looking through the crowd of Toman and Valhalla members. She sweatdropped when her eyes spotted Smiley punching a guy with a grin on his face and Sanzu beating up a guy.

Making sure no one was looking, she quickly entered the fray. A Valhalla member spotted her, raising his fist in the air as he gave a battle cry, charging at her. (Y/n) raised her knee to hit his abdomen.

The guy bent over in pain, gasping. (Y/n) then grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to shout in pain. She then finished it with a punch to his face, knocking him down. She then moved onto the next one.

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