Extra 2

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A/n: The New Toman Gang timeline with everyone included!! Please comment if you like it!!!

"Alright, here's the plan—-" Rindou began, but was roughly cut off by (Y/n)'s annoying hot-shot of a brother.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll handle this." Five rolled his eyes at them, grabbing his axe and readjusting his grip on the handle.

So, Mikey and Takemichi were planning to host a meeting at another one of their hideouts (which was a abandoned building) but unfortunately, some thugs/mafia men were occupying it and although their gang consisted of the best fighters, (y/n)'s siblings—who were visiting and wanted to participate in their meeting to satiate their curiosity—decided to handle it while the younger Haitani tried to come up with a plan only to be cut off.

Rindou's eye twitched, he had to refrain from throttling something at the (h/c)-ette's brother. Ran patted his shoulder with a lazy grin, only to be swatted away. Tsk.

(Y/n) gave the younger Haitani an apologetic looks before the Hargreeves siblings entered the building. It was the perfect setting for a mafioso meeting. It was old yet aristocratic, "Let's cause havoc." Five smirked psychotically.

From the surveillance room where Toman snuck in and were now observing and watching, they were making comments on the siblings. They were doing extremely well in defeating the mafia.

"Diego is awesome, he can literally stop bullets from coming after him!" Baji chuckled, looking at the camera that showed the male tossing throwing knives and instantly killing the men before fighting them using his fists.

"Nah, Klaus is better. He may be weird, but he can summon those tentacle thingy's." Ran hummed in thought, looking at the quirky male who defeated some of the body guards with his ghostly powers, "I heard his dead brother...Ben?...Was it?...helps him."

"You guys got it all wrong, Viktor is top notch! I mean, he can literally fly in the air!" Smiley argued, giddy at the thought. Both former gangs watched impressed as the camera was enveloped by a bright light before it died down, revealing the men knocked to the floor.

Madarame whistled, grinning, "Not gonna lie but that is cool, however they don't compare to our baby and her sister." He motioned his hand to (Y/n) and Allison, the two sisters tag-teaming together.

The guys nodded in agreement, watching with rapt attention as their girl controlled the men and were shocked when four of the men's heads exploded, their bodies slumping to the ground.

Silence was heard throughout the room as none of the men averted their eyes from the (h/c)-ette.

A low whistle was heard, "....now that's terrifying." Kokonoi chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets as the other men nodded in agreement.

Mikey and Izana just stared with a proud and smug look on their faces while Taiju cackled loudly. The more normal ones simply sighed at them.


This scenario is 11 Years Later.

(Y/n) was riding with Sanzu, Ran and Rindou. The most chaotic three of the group and the most perverted and lustful. They were heading to a party that Kokonoi (the young money-maker of Toman) was hosting and since the (h/c)-ette didn't have a ride, they decided to pick her up.

In the black limo, she was sat in between Sanzu and Ran while Rindou sat across her. Their legs were spread open and stretched out, taking up all the space and leaving her no choice but to cramp up in between them with an exasperated face.

(Y/n) didn't seem to notice the odd placement of their hands since she was texting her siblings that she was on her way.

Ran caressed her thigh, rubbing the soft skin with a lazy grin, "We should be arriving in thirty minutes or so, unless traffic doesn't hit." He slung an arm around the seat, his fingers brushing her neck. The smell of Yves Saint Laurent cologne invaded her nose.

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