Extra 4

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A/n: Harem extra, hehehe. Please comment, cause it's fun seeing you guys so vocal.....?

Koko was invited to a party by one of his many customers who begged for his services. Of course, it was held at a fancy hotel and if wouldn't be a party without his friends and his girl. So, what did he do? Threaten the man to allow them in.

There were many men and women roaming around and dancing in the hall.

"Don't you think those girls are getting too comfortable?" (Y/n) pointed out, a frown on her face. She didn't like the ache she felt in her chest at seeing her boyfriends surrounded by flocks of girls waiting for their turn.

The (h/c)-ette was with Ran. She was rotating between all guys and spending equal time with them. She had just finished with Rindou earlier, the younger haitani left her with a kiss on the cheek and a blush on his.

"Hm? Stop being jealous, wifey." Ran casually waved off, his eyes darting all across the room where everyone was having fun and taking drinks while chatting each other up about their day, a lazy grin on his face, "We would never cheat on you, babe." He reassured her.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at the older haitani. Of course, he wasn't bothered since she knew how much attention he attracted from the girls with his charismatic personality. Not only him, but the others too. They were just too pretty.

She watched as girls fawned over her boyfriends by trying to spark a conversation or attempt to touch them. She sighed. She trusted them enough not to do anything stupid otherwise the consequences might be severe. Ahem...ahem...she'll rumor their ass.

Placing her piña colada on the counter, she heard her phone vibrate in her pocket and fished it out, checking the screen that momentarily blinded her from its brightness. It was a text from Allison. She and the rest of her siblings wanted a meet up. Now.

Glancing at the guys who were too busy having a good time, she thought to herself they might not worry if she left a little early for a midnight rendezvous with her siblings.

Quietly, the (h/c)-ette escaped the fancy hotel and began walking to the destination of her meet up. It was quite a distance since it was in the outskirt of Yokohama. She paused in her tracks, a smile painting her features, "Hey guys!" She rushed up to them, engulfing each of them with a hug.

Diego patted her head, huffing as he turned away, "about time! We were waiting for thirty minutes!"

Klaus, Allison and Viktor hugged the girl back, glad to see their sister again. Once they parted, (Y/n) looked at them with curiosity, "So, what's this about?"

Five stepped up, cracking his knuckles, a sarcastic smile on his face, "Well, we were just about to ask if you wanted to join us on a little R&R to destroy the time association."

"Those bunny-suited men are at it again." Luther scoffed, shaking his head.

Before (y/n) can answer, chuckles were heard as footsteps began accumulating around them. Soon they were face to face with about fifty gang members looking all rugged and their uniforms were terribly color-coordinated.

"What do we have here? Some runts in our territory? You're not getting outta here unscathed, ya know? This is Blood Snake's turf." The leader's voice was deep and raspy. He had tattoos on his arms and neck. "Get em, boys."

Five scoffed, "Does it look like we give a fuck? I don't think so, pork chop." He insulted, earning a glare from the leader.

"Yeah, just do yourself a favor and get the hell out of our sight." (Y/n) stated with a nonchalant expression, crossing her arms as she surveyed the men with disinterested eyes.

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