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That night, Jisung went back to work.
His work?
Yep, his work as an assassin.

He waited until Felix's breathing was slow and steady, then he crept out of the house holding his gas mask. Ten minutes later and he ended up at the restricted area. His favourite place to be.

He carefully fitted his mask on, and looking like the boy from doctor who, he passed under the tape that widely surrounded the small cluster of buildings.
Honestly this was the best place for a hideout, minus the poisonous air.
This place was perfect for Jisung's use.

He walked carelessly through the shadows until he came to the famous laboratory that started it all, he opened up the side door and stepped inside.

This resulted in him tripping over.

Rubbing his leg and quickly fixing his gas mask straight, he looked around to see how he fell.

He scrambled frantically to his feet as he saw a man with open eyes, slumped on the floor.
His legs were stretched widely across the path of the doorway and his skin was pale and grey.
He was staring directly at Jisung.

Bending down to inspect him, Jisung smelled the distinct odour of mouldy flesh.
"Why the hell did he shoot himself here" Jisung muttered under his breath. "And how did he start to rot so quickly, it's only been a day..."
'Oh right..the poisonous air.'

He laughed, his voice echoing eerily around the dark, shadow covered area. He grabbed the man's arm and dragged him to a small, ready made pit. Kicking him into it, he then started the laborious job of filling it up with dirt.
An hour later, approximately at one o clock in the morning, it looked like no one had ever been there.

Jisung wandered through the pitch black hallways of the old lab, he climbed up two flights of stairs till he came to a little room.
Opening it with a cheerful whistle, he walked inside with a torch.

Inside, a collection of bulky bags were lined up neatly around the walls, and three suitcases lay stacked up in a corner of the room.
Jisung grabbed the handles of the slightly dusty suitcases and hoisted two bags on his back, he picked up the remaining two leaving an empty looking space where his stuff had been. "You guys are coming home with me."
'I'm gonna miss this place.' He thought as he dragged his heavy load out of the creepy building and into the direction of the main road.


Something annoying was shaking him awake.
Jisung felt groggy as he opened his eyes.
A Felix was one centimetre away from his face.
He screamed and pulled up his legs.
"LIX THE HELL DO YOU WANT??" Jisung tried to kick him but ended up banging his head.
"Oww" he groaned as Felix collapsed on the bed laughing.
A few seconds later a pillow hit him directly in the face causing Jisung to start giggling at his friend.

"Hey!" A muffled, indignant voice came from within the pillow. "Fine, stop, I only woke you up because your phone has constantly been ringing and you didn't wake up and it was driving me mad" Felix crossed his arms only to find another pillow come towards his face.
"Why didn't you tell me that straightaway or put my phone on silent in the first place." Jisung complained. He had ran out of pillows so he sat up and reached for his phone.

As if on cue, it started ringing.

Unknown Number

He got unknown numbers all the time, it was normal. Felix randomly jumped of the bed and ran into the bathroom to get ready for work.

"Hello?" Jisung croaked in his morning voice as he answered the call.
"What do you want." He had got back late last night and was feeling grumpy and tired.
"Oh........I'd like to.. book you in advance." A voice came from his phone, a nice type of voice though.
"You mean hire me right?"
"Okay watevs can I ring you back tonight?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
Jisung ended the call before the other person had a chance to reply. Felix poked his head round the bathroom door. "Who was that?" He asked as Jisung lay back down. "Bother whoever that was I don't care." He closed his eyes and pulled his cover over his head.

He yelped yet again as Felix landed right on his stomach.
"Oh shush, get up or we'll be late for work."


That day, Jisung went to work at the cafe with small enthusiasm. Felix bounced around him with the energy of a golden retriever.
"Hey guess what?"
"I found out who Lee Minho and Changbin are."
Jisung halted and looked at him. "???"
Felix rambled on, oblivious to his friends questioning looks. "Apparently they belong to a mini gang of three in the neighbourhood, you know all the I'm a bad boy kinda style"
"That sounds wrong."
"Whatever, I heard that last night they found an illegal hideout for drugs that the police have been trying to find for years!"
"That doesn't sound very bad boyish" Jisung said dryly as he turned to face Felix again. "How do you even get all this information anyway?"
Felix just laughed and ignored him. "They're also supposedly the most dangerous gang around here, but dang that's hot of Changbin, no wonder he got those muscles. Hey, I like to do a bit of research on someone who could be a potential boyfriend."
Jisung rolled his eyes and sighed. "Just a bit of research? You might as well become his full time stalker and find out where he lives."

"You're right, I'll do that." Felix smirked then made a face before sprinting ahead, dodging Jisungs attempt to tackle him.

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