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He loved the hunt. The adrenaline, the excitement...the chase.

The rush of blood running through his veins mixed with soul crushing screams mingled with shouts.

It sent tingles down his spine and made him tremble with excitement.

J.one let the curses and shouts wash over his head like a cascading shower. He was, in fact, smack in the middle of the confused terrified shouts. In the direct line of screams and choking people, there was bloodshed everywhere. Dripping and dribbling down the walls, gurgling and gushing out of bodies onto the floor.
The blood spread quickly in front of J.one's sharp eyes.

He heard a low buzz from his pocket and sighing, he stared at the message.
'You at your spot yet?' From an unknown number.
J.one stared down at his hands and smirked, he still felt the adrenaline flowing and didn't care about a thing. But still, he made his way to a small clearing on a hill, overlooking the building and courtyard. From here he could use a sniper, and still hear the screams.

20 minutes later, with the anguished sounds dying out, Jisung began to get suspicious.
Just as he was going to text the unknown number, someone ran out into the courtyard. He glanced down at his list and studied the persons face.
Target number 1.
He lined his eye up and within 20 seconds had made a direct shot to the man's head.
In half an hour he had eradicated the entire list of targets, who were all driven out to the open courtyard.

Jisung relaxed his shoulders and peered down the scope to monitor the area, a few people walked slowly out to the courtyard, they weren't on the list but Jisung tensed up.
They looked familiar, very...

A particular person walked to the middle of the courtyard in a slow, careless manner, evading the limp bodies scattered on the dusty ground.
His hair looked silky and his face well structured and very deliberately, he turned at looked at Jisung, smirking into the hidden spot.

Jisung frantically looked at the list and his hands left the gun. He stood up and shoved a knife into the pocket he kept round his waist.
He reached for a shotgun and placed it there too. He kicked his bag over the sharp drop of the hill and froze.


"Touch anything else and I swear to my mother I will shoot you in the leg." Someone spat behind him.

Jisung felt the familiar twist in his stomach and considered stabbing himself. Now was not the time to lose control.
He had lost it since he saw Hyunjin smirking at him from the courtyard. He couldn't do this. He couldn't do this to Felix either.

'Where did it go wrong.'

He bit down on his tongue as Changbin moved closer and kicked the gun on the floor out of reach. "Don't fucking move." He said, gritting his teeth and holding the gun up to Jisung's head.

A guy with red hair emerged from the trees and traced a gun to Jisung's head, carefully moving round so Jisung was surrounded.
The tension screamed loudly as yet another person appeared, holding another gun up to make sure J.one couldn't run.

"If you have any more weapons I suggest you drop them all now." Minho said bitterly, holding his gun up.
"Unlike some people, I won't hesitate to kill you right here."

Jisung didn't say a word. Only dropping his arms as Hyunjin appeared, his hair still perfect and in place.

Mimho wouldn't hesitate. He knew that. But despite the horror at seeing the last people he'd expected, he couldn't stop the twisted smile growing on his covered face.

"Chill." He held his hands up and laughed, pulling out his knife and gun, he dropped them heavily on the ground.

They landed with a thump and Changbin darted forward to kick them away over the edge of the hill.

He then continued to pull out the rest of his weapons such as the small assorted knives and a pair of nunchucks he always kept for spare.

Finally he put down his last knife and stood back. He knew when he was cornered, but he still needed to think. He still had the smallest knife in his sleeve but it was barely noticeable.
The only way he could escape was by hurting himself or one of them, but he couldn't.

Hyunjin was smirking again after he got over the disbelief of how many knives J.one carried around. The assassin was currently standing lazily in front of them, four guns still held up to his head.

'What does Minho want with J.one.' Jisung thought bitterly. He didn't remember killing any brother of his.

He flinched, remembering he was J.one and not their friend. He'd fallen for this trap and hadn't done his research thoroughly.

He let the red hearted guy kick him to his knees in a surprisingly meek way, and everyone watched warily as he behaved calmly.

Capturing J.one has been too easy, Minho narrowed his eyes.

Mingi, the red haired guy from Ateez, kicked J.one again, but Minho stepped in, grabbing his wrists and pulling them behind roughly.

Changbin who had been silent the entire time, pulled J.one up to his feet, alongside Hyunjin, who was guarding them with a gun.

"Is this it?" He asked in disbelief as Minho looked at the silent figure of J.one.
Mingi held up a knife threateningly and watched as J.one calmly looked through it.

Minho picked up J.one's knives and motioned to the others. "We need to get out of here." He said in a low voice. It had been too easy to trap J.one, and they needed to get away safely.

The group took one last look back at the bloodied building and left the area.

Minho remembered how J.one had eradicated an entire gang before getting captured the last time and escaping again, even managing to stab Yeosang in the leg. The knife had been covered in poison as well, making the wound more fatal.

The J.one they had now didn't even seem that dangerous, but seeing with what precision he'd used the gun earlier, showed that he knew his stuff.

Minho stalked ahead, his head clouded with thoughts leaving the others to escort the assassin back to their base.

What now.

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