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Jisung PoV

I touched my mask lightly to make sure it was on properly.

Shadows were lurking beside me, behind me, and in front of me.

Simple answer is, I'm hiding in a cupboard. In a kitchen in fact. It's dark and cramped and smells of vinegar and alcohol. I don't even know how I managed to fit in here.

I heard quiet voices and gripped my weapon readily. The cupboard door was kicked open and I half-stepped, half crawled out.

"Make a move and I will not hesitate to stab you."

The owners of the voices stopped abruptly and my voice cracked mid sentence, causing me to cough and squint my eyes at the light.

An unshaven, pink faced man sat slouching at the kitchen counter next to a handsome looking young guy who was pouring himself out a glass of wine, almost deliberately ignoring my presence.

I didn't know he would be here, the other guy was my target.

Pink face sprang to his feet hesitated to step to me, but the other man stayed sitting, lazily sipping the wine with a bemused expression.

I cleared my throat and started again. "Excuse me, I'll just..."

A split moment and I kneed pink face where the sun don't shine and pressed a knife close to his throat.

The guy sitting at the counter didn't say a word but poured out even more wine and sat back. "Hurry up." He said finally, shrugging, although not in an impolite manner.

I was confused but not put off, so I let my knife glide through pink face's neck and let him crumple to the ground.

"Who are you?" I inquired as politely as possible.

He shrugged again. "I hired you to kill this guy... J.one am I right? I wanted to see how you work."

"Nice to meet you then, I hope you don't mind cleaning this up." I motioned to the blood which was rapidly increasing on the tiled floor.

He ignored me.

"I didn't expect you to actually break into my house to do this, but you did and I'm impressed."

"That's amazing." I said. "But I have to go..."

He put down his glass of wine and smiled. "Before you go, I should introduce myself."

I turned to him stiffly. "Of course."

"Eric Nam. I've been interested in your work for a while and when someone sent me to watch over you I got excited. Nice to meet you finally."

I bowed my head in reply. "What a pleasure." I said dryly. "I'm sorry but what was the reason for..." I motioned the dead man again. "This."

He shook his hair out of his eyes and shrugged. "I have my reasons. Maybe when we're closer I'll tell you but right now I just wanted to meet you." Eric smiled and stood up. "I wanted to warn you."

"What, exactly?"

He chuckled softly. "I'm passing a message on. I've been sent to watch over you, and to pass on the message." He tapped on the kitchen counter, slowly and rhythmically. "Be careful of the gang Ateez and any people that are in contact or are linked to them. After they got to you, my employer was worried and sent me..."

My gaze darkened and I gripped my knife, ready to take action if I needed to. "How do you know what happened?"

Eric shrugged. "Someone told me about it, I work independently so I wouldn't know...look, the point is that you need to stay safe, and don't trust anyone."

"Doesn't that include you?" I crossed my arms. "Why should I trust you? You could be one of the many that want the money from killing me."

"That's true. But I'm not." Eric reached out for the wine and poured more into his glass. "Are you sure you don't want any? It's my best wine..."

I shook my head and watched puzzled as he carelessly dropped the glass full of wine onto the floor. It shattered and mingled with the blood which was still spreading across the tiled floor. Something uneasy stirred in me and I stepped towards the window where I had broken in.

"Don't forget J.one, who your true friends are."

As I left, I saw him sit back down and bring the bottle of wine to his lips. This was definitely not an encounter that happens all the time. But proves that I need to keep my guard up, no matter what or who I'm with.

I'm still alive! I came back and suddenly there's 20k reads!
Thank you to everyone who is reading and enjoying this story <3

This chapter may confuse you but it should make sense later on.

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