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(TW : blood)

That evening Minho went to meet with San, his 'inormation provider' as he liked to call it. Jisung also went out that evening, to go on a 'job'.

When Jisung had killed those men that other night, he had blood all over himself. He forgot to clean his knife too. This was a shock to him, he must have been so tired and that was the reason he killed so messily. He needed sleep, but he also couldn't work as an assassin in the daytime.

'....And I still haven't thrown my shirt away...it's still hidden behind the sink.'

True enough, it's still tucked around the sink with the dirty knife. It's a wonder Felix hasn't found it yet.

Rubbing his temple, Jisung stepped out onto a worn path in a restricted area. It's somewhere near the middle of the city. He saw shadows lurking nearby then vanishing, pff as if he wouldn't notice them.

One of his best clients had sent him on another job to eliminate a group of people who were apparently a threat to them. Although he was experiencing some form of exhaustion, he still took on the job. All his skills were intact and still, even the smallest details caught his eyes. Which reminds him, someone passed by on the right and disappeared behind a rusty water barrel or whatever that thing was.

This place was like a dump, or probably had started being used like one, there was tin cans everywhere, not to mention actual sofas and bed frames.

Jisung gripped his knife firmly in his hand, while holding his gun securely in the other. He did consider himself a show off sometimes, he couldn't lie. Murders were fun for him, quick for his client, and painful for his victims. Maybe that was why he was popular-ish.


Jisung's POV

I knew that the people were starting to surround me since the moment I got here. In fact, I could even hear their heaving breathing and careless footsteps. I pretended to act oblivious. Was it because I had really good hearing? Or they were just rubbish at what they did?...I like the first idea better.

I relaxed myself a bit, knowing that whatever they did, I was safe. One person, the one who I saw earlier, was now hiding behind a rather large bin. I smirked and twirled the knife around in my hand.

As I was messing around, someone grabbed my shoulders.
I complied with a small smile while looking behind to see who it was. An extremely huge woman loomed over me and I bit my lip to hold back a explosive laugh.

"Hello J.One." She said sweetly with a fake expression. The hidden men emerged with triumphant glares and came closer to me.

"Ello" I replied brightly with a genuine smile compared to their evil ones. I twisted quickly, tripping the woman up while flipping my knife to her throat, I kicked her in front of me with a grunt. Growls came from the sides.

"Anyone shoots, she dies."

I spoke quietly with an edge, and a crazed smile plastered on my face. Not that they could see. I was wearing my mask.

The woman's whimpers were irritating me so I slit a small opening in the back of her neck making her scream in pain. "You're supposed to be tough." I whispered, pressing on the cut with a happy feeling that flew through me.

Her wails occupied the air and a man shot in the ground next to me intended as a warning. "LET HER GO." He yelled, desperation filled him to the point where he stood in the complete open. Perfect for me I must say.

A laugh finally escaped. "Are all of you so dumb?" I giggled, stressing very hard on the last word. "Alright, let's make this more fun." I kicked her violently forward with my gun pointed towards her head.

Her screams filled the area as dirt went into the cut. The man dragged her up possessively and growled. I held my gun towards them still and anger passed on several of the shadowed faces of the group.

"Everyone get into the open." I spoke with the same dry demanding tone. My voice echoed.

Soon the people edged out into the space before me while five more others came next to the woman. My gun was still held in the direction of her head and suddenly I couldn't resist. I laughed at the witless people and a shot rang in my ears.

She lay limp, blood pouring out of her eye like a drinking fountain. Small bits of flesh was scattered on the dim lighted floor where a pool of red liquid was increasing rapidly.

Laughing like a maniac my psychopath side took over and I felt the familiar urge to spill blood. My sight grew blurry but I knew I had gained that lunatic worthy glint of killing in my eyes. It shone as I calmly surveyed the people around me. They gazed in complete horror at the corpse that was once their friend.

One person took a step back as I stared at him. His own eyes were wide with fright and I assumed he was new to this stuff and inexperienced. This gave me a burst of confidence and I couldn't help the low chuckles and my poison laced smirk that spread across my face.

The guns pointed at me but it was too late by then. They were useless. All they had in them were tranquillising darts to make me sleep.

"You don't know my next move, why don't you shoot?" I sneered at the men surrounding the woman. "Why don't you shoot?!" I repeated my question, my tone getting impatient.

"Be...because we need you alive." A short boy started off. He smirked as his erratic hair blew in the cold breeze.

Psh he didn't even know that they weren't proper guns. I had a sardonic smile under my mask as he got nudged by a clearly upset man.

"Really now"

The next moment, a high, blood curling scream instantly hushed the whispers of the group. The boy let a large mouthful of blood come out with his screeches and I lowered my gun. "Weakling." I tilted my head to the side with a giggle.

Strained voices mixed with the last screams of the boy. The damp air clung to my skin and shirt, making it stick to my body...showing off my muscles...hehe.

The group turned to me with a decision, and there were several clicks. Gasps were heard when none of the guns worked, only a few shot but they were filled with blanks. Nervous looks were exchanged.

But why was this? *insert my evil laughing*

I sneaked up on them earlier in a lil building where they were waiting for some reason. I switched all their guns, filling some with blanks and completely emptying the others. It was quite funny really, watching their horrified expressions when I didn't react.

Driven to desperation now, an man stepped out with a raspy middle aged voice. "J.one, we'll both leave this place okay? No more bloodshed, both of us will be safe."

Although it was getting pretty dark and the group couldn't see my face hidden under the mask, they could hear the laugh in my voice as I spoke.

"So what happens...when I do this."

. . . .

. . . .

More blood.

Blood is everywhere.

Everywhere...Blood, blood.

. . . .


Heheheheheheh one of my favourite chapters so far because it's actually going somewhere lol <3

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