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A few days later, Jisung received a phone call.

Incoming call from Minbitch.

He picked it up. There was nothing else to do, he'd finished his training for the day and it was a Satur day.  (Get the reference? 😎)



"What do you want."


Minho ended the call just as Jisung decided to chuck his phone across the room, only to watch it anxiously as it landed safely on the bed.

Someone knocked on the door, raising Jisung's frustration to the Himalayas and he angrily walked to the door and opened it.

Minho stood there looking pleased. He was holding his phone in his hand and had a smirk on his face.

Jisung slammed the door and caught Minho's foot as he stepped forward and was trapped by the door.
He let out a groan and came inside, shutting the door behind him. "Was that necessary?" He said, taking off his jacket as Jisung stared holes in him.

"Why are you here." Jisung stepped back as Minho hung his jacket up casually, as if he belonged there.

"I was gonna ask you to go out with me." Minho replied with a sweet, fake smile.

'Go out with Minho? Date him?!'

"I was thinking of the park down the road." Minho went into the living room and made himself comfortable on the sofa. "Then I thought you wouldn't be bothered, so I came here instead."

'Idiot, he meant out on a walk...
No shit Sherlock! Jisung you're bright today aren't you.'

Jisung ran a hand through his hair and looked at Minho, resigned to the boy who was lounging over the sofa. "Then why are you here." He said calmly. "It's not like it's rude to burst into someone's house, especially when you're not welcome."

He crossed his arms. "I'm not going out on a walk you. You don't need anything else? Leave."

Minho looked at him like he was stupid. "Where's Felix?" He asked, ignoring Jisung's little outburst.

"He went out with Changbin." Jisung said.

"Of course he is, when aren't they together." Minho smiled. "I should have known."

Jisung pulled him up from the sofa and pointed to the door. "What do you want, say or you can leave."

Minho responded by sitting down again, and looking away. "Just wanted to talk." He said quietly. "Nothing else."

Jisung was going to pull him up again but Minho tugged on his wrist, making him fall onto the sofa, a fall which ended with him half lying on Minho's lap. He started wriggling off but Minho winced and stopped him, something glinting in his eyes.

He kissed Jisung hungrily, less experimental and more straightforward than last time. Jisung stayed limp, just lying there, half splayed on Minho's lap, half confused and scarily conscious of the surroundings.
Nothing changed his vision, nothing caused by his hellish condition. It was just Minho, kissing him, and him kissing back.

Minho slid his hand to the back of Jisung's head and slowly he sat up. Jisung wasn't in control of the situation this time, and Minho was leading him, encouraging Jisung, making him kiss hesitantly back.

Minho pulled away, his arms resting on Jisung and he buried his head into Jisung's shoulder, giving him a half hug.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I don't know anymore."

Jisung felt bewildered and pleased at the same time. Minho was acting vulnerable in front of him. That was a first.

'Just like there's a first for everything.'

"Mi...Minho." He said shortly.

'Are we both confused? It's not just me? Why did he come here today...'

Minho sat back suddenly and stared into nothing. Jisung did the same.

"I came to ask you something." Minho finally said.

There was a distance on the sofa between them, they'd unconsciously moved away from each other. Jisung noticed this while staring at Minho's side profile, and he looked away quickly.

"I knew Felix was out so..."

"You wanted to take advantage of me?" Jisung interrupted sharply. He immediately flushed as Minho smiled. "Why? Do you want me to?"

Jisung shook his head. "What do you want?"

"To speak." Minho replied. "You have no idea about me or how I feel, so how can we talk if all you ever do is cut me off or look at me like this..."

Jisung abruptly ended his staring session and looked blank. "That sounds like a you problem."

Minho only sighed. "You owe me, remember? Just listen."

"You know I'm in a gang." Minho started off, slightly annoyed with himself. He looked down. "We're not that bad, although gangs are seen as violent groups of killers..."

Jisung raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you kill two people in front of me?"

Minho ignored him. "You caught my eye." He continued. "Whatever it is about you, I'm not letting it go. You act innocent but you're not. You tease me, then act naive. You're blank to the world around you, and tough, but I've seen you with your friends, with Felix..."

Minho spoke softly and turned to Jisung only to see him day dreaming.

"Yeah." Jisung nodded and poked at some random fluff in the sofa without remembering fully what Minho was talking about. "I agree."

Minho saw him in his own world and stared in disbelief.

"When are you gonna talk about yourself? So far it's just been 'ooh Jisung Jisung Jisung'...Where do you come into this?" Jisung flicked the fluff away and frowned.

Minho roughly pushed him down and crawled on top. Jisung blushed and started to stammer slightly. "M...get off me..."

Minho ignored him and pinched his cheek instead. "Where's the earrings I gave you." He asked dryly.

'Changing the topic now huh?' Jisung thought of the earrings he kept upstairs in a locked box and shook his head. "I have them."

Minho smiled. "I was just wondering." He whispered.

Jisung bit back a protest as shivers crept down his arm as Minho lightly touched it.

"Acting so damn innocent." He said quietly. Jisung heard him and saw the glint in Minho's eye again.

"Am I?" He replied.

Without a hint of a warning, Minho found himself pinned to the sofa by Jisung who was smirking down at him. He was surprised at how strong Jisung was and he widened his eyes as the younger pushed him into the sofa with the same teasing whisper he had used.

"I am not what you think I'm like." Jisung said, getting a little too close for his own comfort.

Minho was still slightly shocked, but this wore off and he opened his mouth to retort something when Jisung forcefully kissed him and pushed down on his chest.

Minho gasped as Jisung bit his lip and sprang off him with bright eyes.

"Maybe I don't know what you're like after all." Minho smirked and got up, watching Jisung carefully.

"I'll just find out."

Asking for ya update? IT'S HERE.
Just started some exams too lol I really do this at the worse time 🤌

Hope everyone is doing greattt ~ I'm fine btw just in case you were wondering 😆
I literally read every comment everyone makes and it honestly makes me so happy! haha thank you so so much for sticking around this far, I honestly didn't know it would take me this long...(I did cause I'm a procrastinator) but still 💁🏻‍♀️ here we are... 😂

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