(7) Part 1

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"Jisung!? What are you doing?" Felix pushed away his covers and stepped out of his bed on the the cold, carpeted floor. "Sungie?!" He whispered urgently.

A little figure emerged from the blinding light of the bathroom. There was a girl with long hair, the light behind her hiding her face, making it appear shadowed and grey.

Felix shrieked.

Jisung hurriedly emerged from the bathroom and crouched down to comfort the girl who had started crying. Felix was hyperventilating on his bed.

"Hey hey it's okay, it's just my friend, he's harmless." The sobs grew quieter.

Felix sat in the middle of his bed holding his hand over his mouth. "Ji....sung....what is this?!" His voice came out deep and croaky, laced with fright. His friend frowned. "Shh don't frighten her," he said quietly, cuddling the girl protectively. "It's okay"

Felix uncurled his legs feeling slightly guilty. "Hey, I didn't mean to scream" he held out his hand gently to the girl and she took it through her tears.

Jisung fixed up his own bed. "Here........ what's your name?" he asked curiously.


The boys smiled and Jisung came over to her. "Rose, you can sleep in there tonight." He said, waving towards his bed. "Tomorrow I promise we'll find your mum."

She hugged his leg before clambering into bed and shutting her eyes, she was exhausted.

Felix watched her softly, she honestly reminded him of his own little sister.

As she fell into a deep sleep he turned to Jisung with withering determination.

"Where did you find this girl?" He hissed in a whisper as he started the interrogation.
"In the street alone."
"Why the hell were you and her outside at this time of night." Felix indicated wildly to the clock that stood ticking steadily. It was 3:23am.
"Because...I needed the fresh air." Jisung thought up a lame excuse.
"What are you planning to do in the morning?! You could be charged for kidnap!"
"This girl's mother was chased by two men apparently. I'm not going to the police station at this time." Jisungs thoughts went guiltily to the two men lying dead in the alleyway. "It could be dangerous." He added.

Felix crossed his arms. "Even so, you guys could have been killed, it's so dangerous at night now. It was lucky this time because you saved Rose but don't ever do this again Sungie. Do you hear me? You could get hurt!"

Jisung bit his lip and tried not to smile at his friend being protective, it was cute. This could make his job harder at night but at least he was so caring. "Don't worry Lix I'll be careful." He patted his friends arm softly. "Thankyou Felix, and there's just one thing more..."
He narrowed his eyes, "No."

"I'm exhausted right now so we're gonna share your bed or one of us sleeps on the floor."
Felix's eyes widened. "No way in cheesecake is that gonna happen " he whined.


The next day the local police station saw something unusual.

Two grumpy teenage boys and a small girl of about eight.

The receptionist cleared his throat. "Hello, what can I do for you?" He stood up at his desk to greet the two teenagers who were scowling at each other.

One coughed and stepped forward elbowing the other, he had a scarily deep voice and an unbelievable cute face sprinkled with freckles.

"Hello sir, we'd like to report a missing child..."
He indicated to the girl who was clinging onto his friends shirt for dear life, making it dangerously stretch. "This girl here."

The young receptionist hesitated as the boy behind him started to glare. "Um I'll just call my manager then," he said fixing his hair and rushing out of the room.

"Stop glaring at me you're freaking me out." Felix snapped at his temporarily ex friend.

Rose stared around with wide eyes. "Sung" she looked up at Jisung who was about to make a reply to Felix, he stopped himself. "What's the matter Rose?"

She grasped his hand, "I don't like this place." "Don't worry the people here are nice."

Rose turned to look at him with her brown coloured innocent eyes. "They don't like people with knives here though. You had a knife..but you're nicer than them." Jisung bent down to pick her up with mixed feelings. She snuggled into his shoulder.

'She saw my knife.' He thought. 'But she trusted me..?'

He hugged her. "You know I'm a bad person," he whispered, but Rose violently shook her head. "You saved mom from those two men, I saw, you saved us."

'Mushrooms, she saw that too.'

Felix walked over to them and he put her down quickly whispering in her ear. "Rose you can't tell anyone about me, promise?" He held out his hand. "Promise" she giggled.

Jisung sighed in relief then gave a wry smile to Felix. "Sorry Lix, I guess neither of us slept last night."
"It was your choice to share that bed," was the sour answer. Felix grumbled but accepted the hug that Jisung offered him.

They hugged for a while making Felix calm down to his proper self.

Hello people who are reading this 🤡

I decided to split this chapter into two parts because it's a bit longer than I thought. 😂

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