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Jisung sneaked out at exactly midnight.

He didn't have any particular job to do at the moment, but he did have a potential new client and still needed to keep his skills fresh and practiced.

His phone rang conveniently and he sat down on a nearby bench in the park he was strolling in. He slid off his mask and answered the call carelessly.

"...is this J.one?" The voice that answered sounded cautious.
"I am indeed J.one" Jisung smirked to himself as he heard himself called by his code name, the one he chose when he became an assassin.
"Nice to talk finally, now we can get down to business."  The person on the other end sounded experienced.

The rest of the talk went pretty well. Money was handed over online banking, and a date was set. All Jisung had to do was do join a small group of people who were raiding a warehouse and act as a sniper. This was one of his easiest jobs in quite a while.

This put him in a good mood as he skipped down a dark alleyway. This was deliberate of course, he was looking for some people to fight, you know, keep those skills up to date.

And it worked! Two burly men saw a scrawny teenager walking amongst the shadows pretending to be unafraid. I mean come on, he was acting the perfect prey.

Those men were obviously up to no good before he arrived, Jisung made a face stopping before the men.

One man approached Jisung. He had a big ugly mole on the bridge of his nose and a wide smirk was appearing on his face making him uglier than he already was, if that was possible.
"There's a beautiful lil boy ere mate, he should be fun in bed." He laughed with his friend and Jisung wrinkled his nose in disgust as he got the implication and the second man also appeared on the scene.
He sarcastically eyed then with obvious zero interest showing on his face. "Honestly I have no idea why anyone would want to do anything with you let alone sleep with you." He rolled his eyes. 'This is great, let's get them angry.'
"And I bet your thing down there is tiny Actually I don't even need to bet, I just know it by the look on your face." He said, crossing his arms sassily.

The men looked outraged and were cursing and threatening him, preparing to attack when suddenly, Jisung seemed to melt into the shadows and disappear. They looked around furiously, their hands itching to strangle him when they heard a cough behind them and they swivelled round muttering under their breath.

Jisung was there smiling, and he had a big shiny knife.

He hummed a lullaby and casually stepped towards them. The last thing the men heard and saw was an evil glint in the boys eyes and a dangerously soft voice saying "good night".

They said goodbye forever.


Jisung giggled as he walked home. This night had been fun, he was glad that he had come out to relieve his feelings. Although tomorrow he was gonna be a living zombie from lack of sleep. Oh well, that is tomorrows problem.

Talking about problems, Minho.

Minho could turn into a very big problem soon if he wasn't careful, he'd already made Jisungs stomach jump around like a jack in the box and he was strangely attractive. But he was the leader of a Gang and he could easily find out Jisungs identity.

A clang hit the floor and Jisung jumped then nervously glanced down. Uh oh, his knife.
He picked it up quickly while guiltily surveying the area to make sure no one was watching. He had forgotten to put his mask back on after brutally killing the men....He examined the knife. 'Aha noo I forgot to clean it, and there's blood all over my clothes.' This freaked him out because he always killed silently and neatly, no mess. He studied his clothes more closely to see more splatters of blood over him. 'Aw come on, I even wore my favourite white shirt.' He thought sadly.

He knew if anyone came along at this moment, he was basically screwed. Not only that, but he looked like a maniac that goes around killing children on the street, especially with him holding a knife dripping with blood.

"Mister...?" He froze and slowly turned around ready to hear screams of horror, but instead his eyes met a funny sight.

A girl of about eight with messy brown hair and  tear streaked face stared up at him with unnaturally dark blue eyes.

"Oh um.... Hi!" Jisung gave a smile, forgetting the knife in his hand. "What are you doing alone?" He asked, giving her a worried glance. 'She's far too young, and it's late.'

He noticed that she was looking disheveled  and she had been crying.
"Please sir, two men chased my mom but they didn't get her and now she's gone." She gave a big sniff. "I ran away and I.....I'm so scared." She gave a wail but Jisung bent down to try and soothe her. She buried her head in his shoulder as he patted her back. 'Poor girl, I should help her.' He thought bluntly. To him, he had become too hardened, but he could only imagine what she was going through so he rubbed her back gently. "I'll take care of you okay? No one will hurt you and we'll find your mum."

The girl nodded without looking at him and he prepared to stand up and take her hand. 'fudge and shiitake mushrooms I'm still holding the knife' he panicked and quickly hid it under his long loose shirt, slipping it into a special case attached to his belt. 'And I still got blood all over me'  he thought sighing internally.

Jisung took the girls hand and tried to hide the blood stains by walking in an awkward manner. "I'll take you home and clean us up, we'll find mum in the morning." She wiped away a few tears and gripped his hand tightly.

'Gosh she is so trusting...I could be anyone kidnapping her.' He looked softly down at the childs brown head.


They got home quickly and Jisung hurriedly changed his shirt, hiding it in a convenient dip behind the sink, he also hid away the knife. "I need to clean that later." He muttered.

The girl didn't stay quiet as she got cleaned up. She talked in loud whispers and splashed the water everywhere causing Felix to wake up out of his deep sleep. He sat up confused and stared at the bathroom door curiously.

You know what, I'll just do random updates and to the three people always reading this... y'all want anything from the gas station😂

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