: special ~ first kiss :

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: Jisung's first kiss :


Half a year ago.


Felix laughed and grabbed a handful of popcorn. He shoved it in his mouth and moved around in his seat to get more comfortable as the movie started.

Him and Jisung were at the cinema to watch The Conjuring, a horror film. They had argued for several hours about what to watch and Jisung finally gave in with a 'fine, it's so boring, but you'll get scared, at least I'll be entertained.'

Jisung sighed and closed his eyes as the beginning played, he took the popcorn from Felix before looking over. Felix was scrunched up into a ball and was peeking out through his fingers.

"...Lix this is only the beginning." Jisung said through a mouthful of popcorn.

"I don't care! Something's gonna jump out."

"No it's not."


Felix squealed upon seeing Annabelle, the doll. "What's happening?" He whispered, hiding his face in his knees. The person in front turned around and frowned at the two boys. "Please tell your friend to shush."

Jisung nodded in boredom and poked Felix making him shout. "AH WASSIT? BISH."

Five more people turned around to glare at them making Felix grumpily slide down in his seat. "Felix are you sure about this? Don't you wanna go grab some food and eat in the park instead?" Jisung asked him with low hopes.

"No, I'm not wasting money." Felix hugged himself and stared stubbornly ahead.

"Your choice." Jisung shrugged and grinned. Ten minutes later, Jisung was herding out an extremely scared Felix out of the exit with a few people glaring at their disappearing backs.

"What was the need to scream just then?" Jisung sighed as he dragged his friend out.

"A huge need!! Didn't you see that shadow thing or whatever it was?!" Felix's breathing became normal but he still looked warily around him. "I wouldn't stay one more minute waiting for something to pop out again."

Jisung rolled his eyes as he bought some food. "Okay, there's that park near here, let's eat there."

Felix just nodded and followed him to the park. There was a small pond with ducks and some water birds, several benches were dotted around it. Jisung chose one and sat down with the bag of food.

"Calmed down now? Happy that no demons are going to jumpscare and attack you?"

Felix gave him an annoyed look and grabbed at the bag. "Stop it." He said, starting to munch on a pretzel.

Gazing at the peaceful pond, the two boys soon forgot the horrors of the movie and the stress of having a best friend, and soon turned to more deep thoughts.

"Have you ever been kissed?" Jisung suddenly asked.  'Why did I just say that?'



"Why haven't you?"

"I..." Jisung mentally cursed, 'I don't care about love. Never have, never will. People suck, that's why I don't mind killing them.'

"I don't like the girls that we kn..." he trailed off seeing Felix's eyes widen.

"Are...are you g-"

'Why did I bring this up.'

"What about you? You had plenty of girls chasing after you in school." Jisung hurriedly changed the subject.

"Oh I like boys better, ever since I had a crush on that boy in school, I've never been the same." Felix faked a sigh and chucked a piece of bread at a duck that snatched it greedily.

"I can tell." Jisung said dryly.

"So what is being kissed like?"

"I don't know."

"Wanna try?"



Jisung looked hesitantly over to his friend...His friend.


"Oh come on, it's only to see what it's like."


Jisung couldn't believe himself, but after all, it wasn't like he would ever meet anyone... So he glanced nervously at Felix and gulped. He moved closer and prepared himself. Felix smirked and also made a movement forward. Jisung yanked himself back. "No, nope not doing it..."

Felix looked surprised but he leaned in and pecked Jisung on the the lips, longer than necessary. Jisung sat in shock. "...nothing felt different." He said, making Felix pull a face. "Ruining the moment." He muttered under his breath.

"What moment?!" Jisung yelped as he wiped his lips on his sleeve. Felix rolled his eyes and did the same. "Well, it wasn't so bad...I'd do it again." He cast a flirtatious glance towards Jisung making him jump up.

"No, no way in cheesecake is that ever gonna happen again."

Felix stood up with an intent to chase him, so Jisung obligingly ran and the two boys arrived home in a breathless state and disheveled hair.

Hehehehhe special chapter!!

thankyou so so so so so much for this amount of reads! Literally every single one is hugely appreciated.

I hope that both sides of your pillows are always cold. <3

Love u all ❤️

: Extra :

Felix smirked and cornered Jisung while licking his lips. "Admit it, you like boys."


'I'm the psychopath.....heh.'

"ADMIT IT." Felix stepped forward menacingly.

"FINE FINE I LIKE BOYS BETTER THAN GIRLS." 'I don't like anyone really!"

Felix stepped back with a satisfied smile, "See it wasn't so hard to admit that, I could see the gayness in your eyes a mile away, my gaydar is shaking in excitement."

Jisung rolled his eyes. He said he liked boys better than girls and that was true, but it was in a non-romantic way. It still counted probably.

Even Felix knows his friend better than Jisung knows himself really😂

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