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Jisung couldn't see. Someone had put some cloth contraption over his head and he was finding it difficult to breathe. Especially because he still had his mask on.

He was an idiot. He didn't do his research properly, he didn't accept help from straykidz or Eric. And...Minho was planning something for J.one, something bad.

He didn't know that J.one was Jisung, and Jisung didn't know what would happen if he did.

He heard low mumbles and mostly silence as he stumbled along in the dark. They finally came to a place, a home. Jisung heard the turn of the key, heavy footsteps and echos as they led him down steps to a cold room.

The thing was removed from his head and he was shoved into a chair and tied down. Jisung smelt dusty thick air, his eyes adjusting to the dim light he saw the three boys grouped around him. The other one was gone.

Al three were staring at him with dead eyes, and flashes of triumph. Jisung knew that whatever happened now he was screwed either way. His mask was his only hope.


"What do you want." J.one demanded quietly and sat straight in the chair.

No one answered but Minho stepped forward, a dark look on his face.

"We don't want you for the money, and we won't need to kill you if you cooperate."

Jisung stared at him, almost bemused.

"Kill me."

They hadn't taken off his mask for a reason so he was willing to test their limits.

Minho smirked, not in the teasing way that Jisung was familiar with, but a cold one. Slow and uncaring, he pulled out a knife and it glinted in the dim light. "Only if you fail to answer. We're negotiating so it's pretty simple."

Hyunjin pulled a chair over and straddled it, a pretty smirk on his face, matching that of Minho.

"What's this?" J.one looked up impudently, challenging with the same mocking tone that Minho used.

"Straykidz. Everything you know about them. And if you don't? We take off your mask and hand you over to someone who does want you dead. If you tell us, your identity can remain hidden and we get what we want."

"Are you scared of killing me yourself?" J.one didn't look afraid or angry. He looked amused.

Minho was confused at this attitude. He was expecting anger, cooperation, even rudeness. But being challenged? Did this person even care about his life? Or did he kill for the fun of it.

Changbin noticed the change of tone in J.one's voice and took a step forward. "Hyung.."

Hyunjin waved a hand to stop him and smirked. "Just watch. Minho like this is hot."

Changbin still looked worried. 'J.one is more dangerous than you think...'

J.one glanced at Minho who had stayed in silence but he launched forward and grabbed the chair, bringing his face dangerously close.

"One last chance." He spat, his god structured face looked pale and tempting.

Jisung squirmed, one more hand and he was free.

"One more chance or I swear.." Minho paused and continued softly. "I swear, I can kill you right here in this chair."

Jisung met his eyes stubbornly. There was no trace of horror or fear in his own eyes but he recognised the desperation in Minho's. They were both crazy, crazy for death and hurt and suffering and... he got his hand free.

'Am I really not scared of death? Is it because it's Minho or has it always been like this. I've always found a way out.'

Minho placed a hand on his knife as J.one refused to answer but barely a second passed before Jisung had jumped up, kicking the chair into the shocked faces in front and backing up against the damp stone wall behind him.

As soon as they saw it happen, Hyunjin leapt up and Changbin held onto Minho as he dodged the chair. They stood ready against the figure standing by the wall, each posed to fight. But J.one just stood there, in a relaxed manner leaning against the side in a mocking stance.

Slowly and deliberately, he raised a hand and pulled off the mask, revealing a taunting smirk.

"Hey guys."

Crazy For You ~ {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now