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'Dammit, just open it.'

Minho scowled and ripped open the latest report on J.one. They'd lost trace of him.

He quickly dialled a number.


"..who am I speaking to?"

"Oh yeah, um..I'm Seonghwa. You know Hongjoon right?  He's my boyfriend. I help San out when he's busy like..now."

"Oh..okay... the report I was sent of J.one said he was missing, has he really disappeared completely?"

"Yeah. When he got away, his tracker died immediately and we haven't been able to follow up since, so he's probably lying low."

"It's fine. We won't be using force now so I changed the plan. We have a date set  and I'll need you to help."

"I'll let San and Joon know, is there anything else?"

"How's Ateez? I heard Yeosang got injured and your main base got attacked."

"It's okay apart from that, Yeosang got stabbed in the leg by that little bastard assassin, but he's getting better."

"Great, oh yeah...one last thing, could I have Hongjoons direct contact details?"

"Sure I'll send them through."

"That's all then..Seonghwa?."

"Yeah, see you."


Minho came off the phone and immediately Hyunjin poked his head into the room. "Hey."

"What do you want?" Minho gently pushed him out the way and they went downstairs.

"A significant other." Hyunjin made a face. "Preferably a guy."

Minho detached him from his arm. "Never gonna happen. Where's Changbin?"

Hyunjin smiled bitterly. "Where do you think? With Felix."

"At his place or ours?"


Minho stopped for a moment. He hadn't seen Jisung since he'd dropped him off that day...what if.... "Hyunjin."


"Tell Changbin to invite Felix and his friends here for the rest of the day. I need a break anyway."

"You think inviting people here is relaxing?!" Hyunjin looked up confused but Minho just smiled back.

This was actually the end of 'notebook 1' and now we go on to the second half of this book. Aka -> notebook 2
There's some minsung nonsense coming up because I'm procrastinating with the actual storyline. I PROMISE IT WILL GET THERE...EVENTUALLY....

(I actually wrote these chapters like over half a year ago) 🤣

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