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3rd Person POV             (TW : blood )

Jisung sat in a pool of blood that wasn't his own.

A longing for bloodshed had overcome him, the craziness of a demon that was buried deep in his heart had come out. It didn't always happen, but when it did, Jisung hoped that the people he cared about were nowhere close. Otherwise....

Dead bodies were laid nearby, most were so distorted and mangled, no one could have guessed they were walking living humans just a little earlier.

Scrambled intestines mixed with other assortments of guts were lying in heaps and little puddles. Arms and legs were strewn on the muddy ground along with ripped clothes like dark red jeans and stained t-shirts . Not a single living being was in sight.

Jisung held up his completely bloodied knife into the moonlight. The crimson drops ran down the knife onto his hand and he bent down to clean it on a clump of grass. The grass was already soaked in redness. Jisung looked at it in disgust and then down at his clothes.

This time he couldn't find a single drop of blood in sight as he stared down at his slightly rumpled clothes. Only some dried blood was clinging to his hand, and it had somehow found its way onto his face. He took off his mask while breathing heavily.

"Fun." he said to the scattered remains of the bodies, who were once at home with their families and friends.

To no one in peculiar, Jisung talked to the air before him. "What am I gonna do now? Burying all this will take longer than a night."

He waited a few minutes longer before deciding to head home instead. He was wearing gloves and taking all the precautions so finding his DNA anywhere would be practically impossible. It was safe to leave.

Well...even so...

There was a sound as something small dropped to the ground.

Something rolled near Jisung. He picked it up.

A stone.

Jisung dropped it quickly before slowly backing up.

In a time like this, there was only one option for him to stay alive for the time being. He surrendered.

He discreetly slid his mask back on, dropped his knife, and held up his hands.

"I have no weapons." He voiced softly.

A smug giggle came out of the fog surrounding him and shadows moved around. "Wise choice...although...why did you cover up your face? You're quite pretty."

"Oh, I don't know...Do I really look better without the mask?" Jisung steadied his breathing and calmed himself. There was no way he could get away right now, as far as he knew, these new people had surrounded him and he was feeling exhausted again.

A new idea hit him. The previous group...had they been waiting for backup?

The weird voice cut through his thoughts and a person completely covered in black emerged in front of Jisung. His face was covered except for his eyes. "Make a single sudden move and you will die. You're surrounded." The person whispered as they drew closer.

Jisung pulled out his empty gun and dropped it to the floor. "I won't move." He said, staring into the others pitch back eyes. He could tell that the person was smiling.

"Good," came that breathy voice from within the black clothing.

A gloved hand came towards Jisung's face and his mask was removed.

Some gasps came from a few people, who were hidden in the rapidly increasing fog. The assumed young boy glared around.

"So this is J.one." The boy tilted his head. "You are actually beautiful." He giggled with a smile.

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