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You could say that by now, Jisung was back to his normal self. His dreams and nightmares about Minho every night had disappeared and he'd managed to subdue his agonising longing for bloodshed...which surprisingly had been controlled recently.

So yes, he was back to his normal self.

Yeah, yeah, until just now.

Jisung stood in the living room, trembling.

Trembling?! He was entirely stuck to the floor!

Changbin stood in front of the doorway, his expression faltering and his eyes questioning. "Hey..um Lix?" He whispered to Felix. "Is he alright?"

"No." Felix answered. "It's not like we were just invited to Minho's house, he's fine, look at him having trauma flashbacks."

He and Changbin glanced at eachother. Hyunjin's exaggerated story of Jisung lying on top of Minho was traumatic enough to keep a Jisung up all night whenever Felix mentioned it.

They stared at each other for moments until Changbin shifted nervously onto one leg. "I mean, hey, you don't need to come if you're...busy, or.. anything." He trailed off as Jisung stubbornly shook his head.

"What?? I'm fully recovered now, I'm fine, I'm coming." He gave a thumbs up and wandered off to look for his jacket.

"That's not what I meant." Changbin mumbled.


Jisung walked, in a daze, to his bedroom. A vision popped up in his face of Minho's ethereal face...so close. Jisung snapped it away. He barely knew Minho! But all he could think about was him. Good grief, he was even in his nightmares until two nights ago. The way he acted, his smile, his absolutely perfect and gorgeous eyes...and the way he had been on Jisung's mind all week.

But Minho was one of the largest threats about finding out J.one's identity.

Jisung lightly slapped his cheek. 'Get your priorities right.' He thought as he grabbed his jacket and pulled it on. 'There's worse threats than Minho..like that Jong...?? Jongho guy.'

Oh yeah, and he'd managed to get the blade out of the floor. Hence the massive slice on his hand that no one, thankfully, had noticed yet.

Another threat is that damn earring that Minho likes to wear. Jisung remembered how he'd been staring at it the day Minho had taken him home. It fascinated him like bubbles fascinate a baby. It was so damn sexy in the way it swung when Minho turned to look at him, or every time he moved his head. And most of all, it suited his face.

Felix walked in and saw Jisung crouched on the floor, huddled up in his jacket.


He jumped up and landed butt first on the carpet. "What?"

He blushed at his thoughts and came back to reality. Imagine daydreaming about Minho...again. Why was he? Oh yeah, because they'd been invited to his house. The Lee Minho's house.

"You've been acting stupid ever since Changbin talked to you." Felix crossed his arms and frowned.

"I'm fine." Jisung said. "I just went to get my jacket."

He gestured at himself and the jacket, and stalked out. Felix suddenly had an image of Jisung and Minho cuddling on the bed and he stifled a giggle before he ran out of the room.

😎 what is this?! So many updates all of a sudden. 😱

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