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Jisung stifled a yell as someone grabbed his shoulder. By reflex he caught their arm and kicked their legs from underneath them.

Eric groaned from the floor, rubbing his back resentfully as Jisung sheepishly helped him up from the leaf covered ground.

"Why are you here." He demanded. But Eric ignored him ruefully.
"I'm not that young anymore." He grumbled, still clutching his back.

"Why did you follow me." Jisung hissed, pulling Eric towards a tree as he saw something move.
It was a squirrel.

Eric groaned again. "I'm not letting you go by yourself again. How stupid do you think I am."

"You are." Jisung replied shortly as he started to approach a grey wall of the building that stretched a long way to the left.

Eric went silent but Jisung made sure the area was clear as he faced him.

"You know things you aren't telling me. Like Jeongin and his friend, Kim Seungmin are in charge of Straykidz. And that Straykidz were the ones who killed Minho's younger brother. And that Minho wanted to kill J.one, aka me, to find out about Straykidz. Who else knows about this? Chan Hyung? Who else knows about my identity? And where is Minho?!"

Jisung had pushed Eric against a tree while talking and now he flushed angrily and stepped back. "What else don't I know?"

Eric scowled. "I don't know anymore than what you just figured out. I'm only hired as part of Straykidz to watch over you! I admired J.one as an individual so I happily took the job."

He suddenly went silent and he pulled Jisung to the ground on instinct.
Jisung had already noticed and had grabbed his own gun as a shot hit the bush in front of them.

A slight laugh from the person and Jisung traced it and matched it to a young man who was holding up a gun and monitoring the edge of the forest.
Jisung kept one hand on Eric's mouth and with the other, he aimed his gun at the head of the man.


The man crumpled to the ground like a lifeless doll and Eric pushed Jisungs hand away.

"I wasn't going to make a sound." He started, but Jisung glared at him. "He's probably already notified other people, we need to go, now."

He pulled on Eric's arm, took the gun from the dead man and crept towards the building, carefully observing the surroundings as they went.

Eric watched him admiringly. To notice so much at the same time and not even blink an eye. No wonder J.one was classed as a top assassin. He never seemed to miss a thing...well in some cases.

They moved silently alongside the grey wall, not finding an entrance for at least ten minutes. But when they did, they found a small window that had been broken. The glass shards were scattered on the grassy ground indicating the someone had escaped out of the building rather than going inside it.

Jisung looked at Eric skeptically before breaking the remaining glass, peering inside and proceeding to climb through the small opening.

Eric heard voices and two figures emerging from the side of the building. He hurriedly pushed Jisung through and barely scrambled through himself, almost getting stuck as Jisung pulled him by the waist.

"Shush." He said in monotone as Eric started to groan.

The room was like a small study, but it was empty apart from a small desk with a chair and a single lamp.
There was also a sticky trail of blood leading to the window.

The two assassins glanced at each other as the two people outside walked by the window, speaking in hushed tones.

"Here's another one broken, could be from the guy A-6 reported seeing earlier."

"Nah, he said the two people were in the forest on the West side."

"I heard one of them was J.one."

"No way, why would he be here?"

"The boss said he was gonna be here today."

"I thought he meant someone was bringing J.one to him."

"Yeah, who knows what the boss is planning."

The two men stood outside the window and peered in to inspect the room.

Jisung and Eric shrunk into a corner that seemed to be just out of sight from the window, thanks to the weird design of the room.

The men saw the blood on the floor.

"He's wanted his hands on J.one for years right?" The second man continued as he kicked the broken glass to the side. "Storming Straykidz base was the last resort, but I heard they refused to tell him anything and they still haven't found the CEO."

The mans friend shrugged. "As I said, who knows. We need to move on and find the intruders. The boss was already fuming after Leeknow showed up."

They sniggered and soon their voices were faint as they turned a corner.

Eric and Jisung shared a long glance and both were silent as they stepped out from their corner.

Three chapters in a row?! I felt guilty lol, and chapters 48 and 49 were really short so why not??

Crazy For You ~ {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now