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The shadow of the person fell over Jisung as they blocked the light. Jisung refused to raise his eyes so he could stay focused and calm.

However, cold shock flooded Minho's body as he saw the figure in front of him.

"Ji...Jisung?!" He didn't recognise his own voice.

Jisung looked up sharply and met a gaping Minho. He was standing there like a fish until Jisung averted his eyes. "Close your mouth or a fly might go in." his voice came out as a whisper.

Thoughts invaded Minho as he grabbed Jisung's wrist. "Jisung?!" He said again. 'Is Jisung...not who we think he is? No...San just told he has nothing to do with anything...what is he doing?!?! It's so late?! What is he doing here?!?!"

"Jisung." He spoke more softly as he saw a look of pure terror on the younger's face. It really wasn't, Jisung was trying not to laugh in relief. Now he could find a way out of this crappy place.

"What are you doing here?" Minho demanded, "what happened to you?" He noticed the dried blood on Jisungs hands and face and he slightly panicked.

Jisung tried to put on his most heartbroken expression. "I...I went out, then, they...it, I got."

Annoyingly, some different footsteps were heard by the two boys and Jisung tightly shut his mouth. He had the worst luck of them all. "Those men," he whispered, and managed to squeeze out a few tears. "They chased me."
He stopped a smirk as Minho pushed him behind himself and grunted in response. Jisung squeezed out a few more tears for good measure. "They chased me and...hit me...I got, took...away." He sobbed, pulling on Minho's feelings. Pff what feelings.

Two men came running up, they were out of breath and angry.

Minho's eyes darkened. "Were you chasing him?" He gestures to Jisung who was crouching behind him in 'fear'.

The men stared at him in astonishment and fury, one said, "we were chasing him beca-."

"Shut up." Minho growled. The men shrank back, finally recognising him. "Lee -."

"I said shut up." His expression was as black as hell. He turned to Jisung. "Close your eyes Ji, I don't want you to see this." The men stepped back and Jisung obediently closed his eyes, covering his ears for a good effect too.

Minho whipped round immediately, and those men were dead before you could say 'Minho's thighs'. Jisung peeked with one eye and smiled in satisfaction as he saw Minho's killing method. Not very neat, but extremely efficient. It got the job done quickly...very quickly.

He hid his face in his hands as Minho finished and faced him. "Jisung I'm so sorry, let's get you home."

Jisung panicked. "I live too far from here, like this...Felix.. I just can't-."

"Then you're coming home with me" Minho glared and dragged him into an unknown direction.

'Damn, everyone knows this area except me.' Jisung rolled his eyes, 'I really gotta brush up on my navigation skills'

'Oh fudge did he just say home with him?...his place?! I'm so screwed, well, at least I escaped the other weirdos.'

As Jisung was getting dragged along by his saviour, he let out a small squeak as Minho hit a cut on his hand. He turned around a little surprised until he saw it. "Sorry. I'll help you properly in a minute."

Jisung stared into that perfect face. "Y...you have blood all over you." He whispered and tried to stay in character. Minho gently released his hand and put his arm around his shoulder instead. "Just wait a bit, I'll clean us both up soon."

Jisung shivered at the careless touch, but nevertheless stayed as he was, with Minho's arm around him.


They got to what Minho said was his house. It had a cold, unfeeling vibe and Jisung involuntarily shivered.

Minho led him up to a large bathroom in a bedroom. Everything was themed black, not that Jisung minded. Black was his favourite colour, just...the whole house??

He stood awkwardly as Minho ran water in the black sink. He pulled out two flannels from a black cupboard and handed one to Jisung. "Use this on your face and hands." He said, dipping his own flannel in the water, wringing it out, and wiping the blood off.

This was the first time he had spoken to Jisung since they had come inside. Jisung wet the flannel and obediently wiped his hands and face. Somehow, he felt intimidated by this side of Minho, Minho as the gang leader in his own territory and in his full glory.

Jisung then watched with red cheeks as Minho tugged off his shirt and dumped it into a basket. Never on all his three years of being a professional assassin had Jisung ever been in such a nerve racking situation. Nerve racking? Jisung was nervous? He gulped slightly as Minho turned to him with a smirk.

Leaning in deliberately, Minho eyed the boy before him. Jisungs eyes kept wandering more than usual, and it took a few silent reprimands before he gave up and let his eyes trail over Minho's fit body. Everything about him was perfect. From his face and lips down to his abs down to-. Jisung don't go any further than that thankyou, I need my purity.

He let out a breath that he didn't know he'd been holding, Minho's eyes hovered around him. "I would ask you if you're enjoying the view but it's too overused." Minho's voice came breaking through Jisung's wall of thoughts. "So in that case...do you want it?" Minho got alarmingly close.

"Yes? Wait what? Want what?! Want....you little-" a hand went over his mouth and Jisung went dead silent.

Minho came so close, that Jisung could see each individual stand of hair in very fine detail. "You might want to take a shower. Do you want me to wash your clothes?" Minho asked an innocent question and stood back looking pleased with himself. Jisung almost went into overdrive as he nodded in a stupor.

"Right now?" He said lamely.

Minho replied with a chuckle, "not precisely this second...unless you want me to see everything...I'll wait for you. Everything you need in in that cupboard over there." He pointed and smirked at the petrified Jisung before walking out of the bathroom taking his flannel with him.

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I caught a cold and it's like 35 degrees outside.

Will there be no end to my suffering? As soon as I get better from one illness, I get sick again.

I got a new story idea 👽 I promise I won't procrastinate here, but I really fell in love with the plot of that one! It's Seungjin!

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