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The punching bag swung violently back and forth. This had become a pattern and although the bag was fairly new, it was already beginning to look battered.

"I feel sorry for whoever gets in his way." Hyunjin remarked dryly as the punching bag was hit with a loud thump. This was the result of a particularly vigorous kick.

"Punching bag? More like a punched up bag." Changbin joined Hyunjin who was huddled in the corner of the gym and he rolled his eyes. "Stop letting his mood affect you. It's depressing enough as it is so we need to look out for each other. Especially as he seems to be going through a hard time."

Minho glared at them before continuing with his violent attacks at the bag.

"Going through a hard time?" Hyunjin scoffed. "It's only Jisung." He added moodily as Changbin shrugged. "Who knows, but he's been in bad mood ever since we left Jisung's house. Nothing else has happened since then."

Hyunjin flinched as Minho stabbed the bag then looked sorry as bits of fluff spilled out.

"That was expensive." He muttered, getting out his phone to search for a new punching bag.

A few days ago

Chan and Jeongin left early for his work so Jisung and Felix were left alone with Changbin and Minho and an all too familiar friend,  Mrs awkward atmosphere.

Felix jumped up and announced that he was going to make brownies, Changbin eagerly agreed and the two left Jisung alone with Minho.

Jisung started panicking the moment they left because he could feel Minho's steady stare and it unnerved him to the point where he questioned his existence. He ended up blatantly ignoring Minho and avoiding all eye contact when possible.

'Ooh why is your wifey ignoring you?' Voice teased as he appeared.
'Was it because you hugged him? Ha, who would want someone like you hugging them?'

Minho bit his lip and tried to hiss under his breath. "Go away." He glanced at Jisung. "Don't cause trouble."

'Whatever, I'll go when I want to. It's your fault if wifey hears you anyway. Get over yourself and just listen to me, I have a nice voice so it shouldn't be hard. Hey we should be singers, you have a nice voice too but it's worse than hell complimenting you. But at least I sound nicer than you, maybe if we harmonised we would sound good.' The voice sounded smug. 'I bet you can't even harmonise, but I can.'

Minho sighed slightly, unwilling to let Jisung hear him. "Try being helpful?"

'When am I ever helpful Minmin pumpkin pie. The idea of that is revolting.'

Minho raked a hand through his hair and tried to smile and Jisung looked up at him.


Their eyes locked before Jisung averted his gaze and looked away. 'I can't look at him it's too embarrassing.' Jisung cringed because Minho was still staring at him. He slid further down in his seat and lifted his book higher.

'I touched him earlier... HE HUGGED ME?? I TOUCHED HIM?!?! He touched me? No this sounds wrong. We hugged... he.. hugged me. Willingly? Did he know it was me? No, he knew. I didn't know... he was really warm too, he's not the cuddly type, he's more as the I will kill you because I love you and no touchy type. It's a crime to think of Minho as 'cuddly'.
Don't look at him, don't look at him, don't look at him. Don't look at him!!!'

Jisung grabbed his phone as Minho tried to speak to him again.

(Does this count as gay panic lol)

He stood up suddenly placing his hands on the table with no idea what he was going to say.


Minho stood up slowly as well, an almost confused look on his face.


Jisung mentally slapped himself. Leave?!?! Is that all he came out with?!

"Thanks for everything." Jisung contorted a smile and watched as Minho looked down and nodded. "It was nothing." He replied stiffly.

Jisung gave a nervous laugh. "Haha yes. Get back safely."

Minho nodded and they walked in silence towards the door.

Changbin and Felix came out of the kitchen holding a box stuffed full of brownies. "Thanks lix."

They saw the two boys standing awkwardly and Felix, oblivious to the tension, smiled happily. "Thanks for helping Jisung."

"Thanks." Jisung mumbled.

Minho took his friends arm and smiled back. "I've said it's fine."

"You'll come again?" Felix asked Changbin who nodded. "Yep."

They finally left after a few more 'goodbyes' and Felix made Jisung help clear up. But it didn't help the way Jisung was dying of embarrassment inside even after Minho left.

Back to the present    (a few days later)

Hyunjin made a face of understanding. "Ohh, So it was all Jisung's fault?"

Changbin shrugged and smirked. "He kept ignoring Minho that day so maybe he's the problem causing Minho's mood."

Minho appeared in front of them as if on cue. The dark aura around him made Changbin fall silent and they saw his bruised and cut knuckles on his hand. "Min-."

He ignored Hyunjin and picked up the water bottle. "You've done nothing but sit there all day. At least go workout."

Hyunjin cast one more look at his hands then got up, dragging Changbin by the arm. "Sure."

Minho left the room and suddenly the place seemed lighter and easier to breath.

"He must be whipped for him if it's this bad." Hyunjin grumbled as he stripped off his jumper.

Guess who had nothing else to do then decided to write this and now I have back ache because I wrote bending down hahahah.

Also, anyone know or have listened to Jeff Satur?

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