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Jisung took a few days off at home to rest and collect his thoughts. I mean, it was nice to have a few breaks now and then, and it also meant he could train without Felix walking into him launching a knife into their wall. This had been a fear of his ever since he moved in with him. Why didn't he go and train somewhere else?
Because he was too lazy, just like you reading this when you probably have something you need to do.

Anyway, most of his training wasn't just throwing knifes at the wall of their shared house, training was done mostly at the local gym, working out, or in some deserted place to practice his shooting.

Jisung dragged out the thick wooden board he used to throw knives with and leaned it up against the brick wall in the bedroom.

You see, throwing knives is quick, easy and extremely useful for a swift, silent death if you know how to do it.
It requires a skilful technique and precision  which Jisung had already mastered some years back. To him it was like playing darts, but just with...knives.

Jisung took a stance behind his bed and aimed. The knife flew and landed some centimetres away from the red dot that was painted in the middle of the wooden board.

"That was terrible." Jisung muttered and shook his head. He took the stance once more and the knife flew again, except this time, it embedded itself stubbornly in the floor.

Jisung mouth dropped and he walked unsteadily to where the knife was stuck. "This is it, I'm going to retire."

He bent down and groaned as he tried to pull it out of the floor. 'Seriously, how hard did I throw it.'

The knife was buried into the carpet to the wooden floor below, half of the blade was still stuck, and it didn't budge as Jisung tried to put more effort into pulling it out. He tried one last time and gave up as the handle came off in his hand.

"This is a joke." He said to himself, staring at the shiny blade, still stuck in the floor.

Before he could think of something, Jisung heard voices and then a light tap on the front door.

'Curse whoever did this to me.'

Jisung quickly shoved the board under his bed and covered it with a blanket, then he dumped a pile of books around the blade that was sticking prominently out of the floor. Don't judge, it was a moment of panic.

He rushed to the front door and smoothed down his hair. "Hey, you're back early."
'What a cliche thing to say.' Jisung mentally rolled his eyes and paused as he saw four people standing outside.

Chan and Jeongin walked past him, totally in their own world and some stranger stood by Felix, waiting to be introduced. He had light brown hair, dark intelligent eyes and was only slightly taller then Jisung himself.

Jisung invited him in and Felix started chattering. "This is Jongho, and this is my roommate Jisung."

Jisung gave a friendly smile which dropped as he saw Chan and Jeongin inspecting the pile of books. He rushed over just as Felix spotted them and gasped dramatically.

"I've been doing some reading." Jisung said defensively, sitting down next to the pile. Both Felix and Chan eyed him up and down.

"Jisung, you don't even read books when you're bored out of your mind. Are you actually ill?"
Jeongin reached out a hand to Jisung's forehead and giggled. "Maybe Chan Hyung should give you more days off. What've you been reading?" He asked as Felix started a conversation with the new guy, Jongho.

Jisung glanced to the pile of books and saw a Harry Potter book lying on top. It was a book he had swore never to read and he wasn't about to break that vow to save himself. 'Long story.'

"Oh I was...." He avoided Chans amused gaze and picked up another book from the ground. "I was reading this." He scanned the title. "Allegiance."

"Yeah I read this the whole day but I didn't get it." At least this was a half truth. He'd read part of it like months ago but wasn't interested.

Jeongin rolled his eyes sassily. "That's because it's the third book of its series. You need to read the others first." He picked up another book and there was a glint. The knife blade.

Jisung gulped as Jeongin flicked through his book, he could have sworn that the youngest eyes latched onto the blade, but when he blinked, Jeongin was still flipping through the book, totally oblivious to the knife. Finally, he put it back on top of the pile, covering the blade again. Jisung immediately tried to think of a distraction.



"I haven't seen you for a while."

Jisung let out a breath as he caught Chan's eye. It was narrowed and suspicious. Had he seen? Not that it was much but... there could be awkward questions about what type of knife it was and how'd it get there. Not to mention that Chan had almost caught him several times in the past.

Chan suddenly smiled, and motioned to Jeongin. "Jeongin's the one with attachment issues, not you."

Jisung smirked in reply but jumped as Jeongin bit him, then looked at him with innocence. Jisung managed to slap his arm as revenge before Chan came to comfort his boyfriend. Jisung gagged as Jeongin melted into the hug which Chan gave.

"Both of you definitely have attachment issues. And you both need therapy." Chan said decidedly.

Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Jeongin? How can you let him speak like this."

"Because I'll just tell him off later."

Chan's smile dropped and he made a face. "You're too young to tell me off."

"No I'm not." Jeongin smiled sweetly.

"Yeah you are."

"I wasn't young last night was I? Not when you called me da-." Chan clapped a hand around Jeongins mouth and shook his head as his cheeks turned bright red. "You win." He said weakly, avoiding the shocked expressions of Jisung, Felix and Jongho.

Guess who's got another cold 😎
(I'm basically recovered but this is like the fourth time in a row lmao)

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