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The next day came quickly and for once, Jisung had his normal, boring day. Until Minho appeared again.

Jisung definitely swore more than once in his mind as he saw three familiar figures step into the cafe making the bell ring that sound. Usually it sounded happy, but to Jisung, all it meant was trouble.

"Morning" he greeted dryly, missing out the 'good'. Instead of the teasing look from Minho, he was returned with a cold stare. "Will you actually be ordering something today?" Jisung tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"Don't flatter yourself, we're not here to see you." Was the answer. "We'll all be ordering something so make it quick."

Jisung shrugged and tried to hide a secret smile. "You're just a customer to me." He replied sweetly. He gave knock on the staff door making two heads pop out. Felix and Chan had huge smiles on their faces and there was no sign of Jeongin.

A hint of a smile appeared on Changbin's face and disappeared as soon it came. Jisung didn't miss it though. He even looked a bit guilty and kept casting glances to his cold leader who was watching Jisung's every move.

"Oh... Chan hyung this is Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho. I told you about them..."

They said hello stiffly while Minho gave the order, he made his friends sit down at a table and Changbin sent an apologetic face to Felix, mouthing 'sorry'.

Chan looked at Felix in bewilderment. "Are they mad at me?" he asked in a whisper. "..no..."

Jisung couldn't help his smile during the whole situation. No more worries about Minho it seemed, this day was actually going great!


Completing the order, Jisung and Felix took the drinks over to where Minho was glaring at his gang members and Hyunjin had a bored expression.

Jisung plonked the drinks down with a wide smile. "Here is your order, I hope you have a great day." He beamed and turned around only to come face to face with a smirking Bangchan.

He swivelled Jisung around and took a seat next to a nervous Changbin.

"I'm Bangchan, owner of this cafe."

"Lee Minho." His response was low and automatic.

Felix gave questioning looks to all the boys present, they were never this quiet before.

Minho was fighting an internal battle with himself. Jisung wasn't acting right, he was too happy, maybe hurt at the way he was being treated. Or maybe something was actually up.

Chan was now smiling weakly after trying to start a conversation and failing. "So..Felix mentioned about you." He tried again in Changbins direction. He got a blank stare in return. "Yes uh...really?" 'Did he?!?! AHHH'
Jisung rolled his eyes and Hyunjin coughed suddenly covering his face at the same time.

Minho glared at him and Chan's smile faltered. "Well I hope you have a nice day." He stood up and started herding Felix and Jisung away, "enjoy your drinks!" he called back with a grin.


"Have they always acted like this?" Chan whispered to Felix as soon as they were out of earshot. Felix shook his head in reply and they silently went to work in the still awkward atmosphere. Jisung was the only one who was genuinely happy.

Minho sighed as he watched the retreating figures. "I told you to act natural." he saw Changbin's tense face.

"...You're not acting that normal yourself!" Changbin pointed out and he crossed his arms gloomily remembering the look on Felix's face. They didn't notice Jisung who was wiping a table nearby.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he finally let out his laughter. "You're so gonna regret this day, hurting their feelings in front of their hyung."

Minho stared darkly. "We're only here to note anything suspicious about them, I don't like it either." He lowered his voice but Jisung could still catch what he said. "In the end, I bet Jisung and Felix have nothing to do with this."

Jisungs heart went cold. 'Do with what?!?!'

Changbin spotted him and started making frantic motions towards his friends. "They have nothing to do with.. the rumour about the pastries." Minho caught on and made a lame excuse up on the spot. Jisung kept a burst of laughter in. They had noticed him. He clapped his hand on his mouth to prevent a disaster and he hurried away to rinse the cloth he was cleaning with.

Minho narrowed his eyes as he watched this. "San just got his information wrong." He said quietly.

Jisung finally got away out of earshot and started giggling to himself. 'guess who's going to find things out! Him! Jisung! Yeah that was so lame. But honestly, the gang might be up to something, he needed to find out what."


The three boys left soon after, and Felix started verbally complaining in the back room. "Hey, Jisung who are they anyway?" Chan asked as he escaped from the Felix.

"Not much. They're just a gang." Jisung replied in a bored manner.


"They're not dangerous, come on." Jisung saw the look of horror on the elders face.

Chan was silent for a moment. "Does Felix know?"

"Yeah, he knows. It seems that Changbin has taken to him, but who doesn't love Felix." Jisung smiled in his own world as Chan stood horrified. "He's, a, gang member..?!"

Jisung shrugged, "trust me, they would never hurt us." 'Not that they could. Thanks to me:)'
"He loves Felix too much anyway."

Chan finally accepted this with some difficulty, but Jisung was still lost in his own world, planning.

He need to find out what that gang was up to. If it included him and Felix, his secret could be found out. He could take advantage of Minho to find out, he smirked. His peace might have to wait.

Lol so I wrote a future chapter that was really *cough cough* and didn't suit their characters😂 so I'll find somewhere else to put it in because I actually liked it 👽🌚

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Topic of the day
Why do I get hyper at night? Like the more tired I am, the more childish I'll act... or the more depressed I am, the more crazy I behave. I felt really horrible today and I ended up laughing at the air (basically nothing) for a few minutes straight. Someone might think I was possessed, oh! A new story Idea.. a character getting possessed.......👽

Goodbye ~ the half possessed teen writing at night and is extremely hyper. Ily

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