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Jisung sneaked into the living room again. That's how it had gone for the last two hours, avoiding Minho at all costs.

'Why can't he leave me alone.'

Jisung saw the 'perfect' figure in the door again. "You're avoiding me." Minho said, crossing his arms. "I can't really think why."

"Isn't it obvious? Hyung, stop following me around." Jisung collapsed on the sofa and started sulking and complaining in his thoughts.

"Hyung?" Minho raised an eyebrow. "That's new."

Jisung cringed. He had a habit of calling Chan 'hyung' and had no intention of giving Minho the same respect. "I'm not gonna call you that."

"Call me whatever you like." Minho smirked.


Jisung made a face and Minho continued, ignoring the voice in his head.

"Get used to that okay? One day you'll call me 'mine'." He looked pleased but received a scowl in return. Even the worst flirt attempts from this guy made Jisung blush like a high school girl. He hid his face and groaned into a cushion.

'I hope he gets drowned in marmite.'

Jisung glared at Minho out the side of his eye. "I'm going home." He said, fed up at seeing Minho's smirk and gaze. A gaze that seemed to see right through his secrets. All of them.

"Home? Weren't you practically pleading with your eyes to stay with me earlier?"

"I'm going back now." Jisung pressed his lips into a line. "And you're taking me. All I've seen you do this morning is flirt, I'd rather get murdered by Lix."

"So straightforward about what you want. Why can't you be like that with out relationship?" Minho jumped on the sofa next to Jisung.

Jisung's instinctive reflex was to back away and his awkwardness left him. "Lee Minho. This is the third time I've met you. This is ridiculous, please take me home." He faked a polite voice and brushed back his hair, hoping for a better response.

Minho noticed what he thought was a note of desperation in Jisung's voice and he stared. "Sorry, yeah, so get ready then...I'll take you back."

"As you should."

He got up and took Jisung's hand. "Although this could be your home too." They went to the front door with Jisung starting to blush at the confidence Minho had while saying these things. It was outrageous.

"Minho babes, it might be a good idea to tone down the flirting. This boys face can't go any redder, it'll go blue instead."

He put on his coat and shoes. "Stop with the...lame...flirting thing. It's-." He turned around. Minho was smiling cheekily, swinging a paper bag in his hand. "It's too what?" He asked innocently. "This has your clothes in it by the way..I washed and dried them. The blood should be completely gone."

Jisung took the bag without a word of response and ignored as Minho rolled his eyes. They were soon going towards a sleek, black car that was in the driveway. "Nice car." Jisung said as they got in. "Thanks." Minho replied, "it was freaking expensive... ...where do you live?"

Jisung replied with little to no emotion. "You should know right? You literally have a whole folder based on my life."

Minho smiled sheepishly and avoided any eye contact. "I didn't really look at your address," he admitted, "and you know that file is for safety reasons, we should be careful who we interact with."

Jisung put his address into the phone map and sat back. "So why did you want to mix with us? Me and Lix."

The car turned left and Minho was left thinking this over. His thoughts wandered back to the first meeting at the cafe, the moment in the bedroom and what he could be possibly feeling.

"You should be thankful we're mixing with you for other reasons than our gang." He finally said, glancing to Jisung again and biting his lip as he remembered the boy was in his clothes.

Jisung shrugged. "Fine with me." He rolled his eyes and stared out the window.

'He won't tell me the truth.'

Minho saw him roll his eyes and shook his head slightly. "You're lucky you're cute." He whispered, so quiet that Jisung barely heard it. But he did, and immediately felt the familiar heat rising to his cheeks. He decided to ignore it though and 'block out his emotions'. If he messed anything up, he could get found out and his secret exposed. Minho was a huge potential threat and he needed to stay away.

Ironically, fate had decided that Minho was to annoy Jisung by turning up at the most needed and most unwanted times of his life. Last night was an exception because Jisung could have died. Note the 'could have'.


Jisung zoned out for probably ten minutes until the car came to a stop. He came back to reality as Minho passed a hand over his face.

"This is your place right?" Minho asked. Jisung recognised the area.

"Yeah just round the corner." He picked up his bag with the clothes in it and was about to get out when Minho caught his arm.

"I asked you several times earlier but you didn't hear. What are you going to tell Felix?"

Jisung shook off his hand. He didn't know, he wasn't interested even if Minho had a point.

"From the sound of it, Felix would freak out even more if you told him the truth at first." Minho frowned. "We should come up with something."

'Yeah of course Felix would freak out. He freaked out the other day when I came back with a random child, and what do you mean by 'we'?'

Jisung narrowed his eyes. "Just come up with something simple for now and I can tell him the truth after he's calmed down."

"How do you explain about me though? And Hyunjin seeing us-...I mean-... the awkward situation that...I.."

Jisung blushed at a certain memory and asked hastily. "Okay what've you got?"

Minho had obviously prepared his answer because he smiled at something. "I called you early in the morning. I came to your place and we went for a walk together. You accidentally fall into a pond so I take you back home and we accidentally fell asleep together blah blah then in the morning Hyunjin interrupted our kiss and-."

Jisung got out the car.

"Think of something better." He said, leaving Minho behind as he walked quickly towards the corner of the road.

"How else can we explain what Hyunjin saw?" Minho caught up with him and made him slow down. "I don't know! Just make something stupid up that doesn't mean anything."

"Okay, okay."

Jisung slowed down of his own accord. The house containing a certain terrifying person was now less than thirty steps away and counting less. Minho took one look at his miserable face and was polite enough to stifle his laugh into his sleeve. 'How angry is Felix and his friends gonna be?' He wondered as Jisung's face went darker and darker as they came to the front door.

Three words sentences can hold powerful meanings.

I hate life.

I hate school.

I love food.

I love Straykids.

📉📉this is my writing progressively getting worse.😂

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