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Jisung gasped as he felt soft lips on his cheek. He had turned away just in time.

His hands were somehow pinned down to the bed and Minho was still attached to the side of his face...

Jisung pushed away hurriedly and stood up. Minho gave a small laugh as he saw his face.

"How dare you." Jisung glared at him and felt something ignite inside. Something new and unforgettable. His expression faltered and he turned his face away, cursing silently.

"Next time it won't be on the side of your face." Minho smiled innocently and tilted his head.

'Why did this happen at all.' Jisung nervously laughed in his head.

Minho left the room, strolling out the bedroom door. "Come have breakfast." He said, his voice going down the stairs. And Jisung could have sworn, he was smirking as he said that.


As Jisung reached for the cereal, Minho came sauntering in from what was presumably the living room.

He was eating a lollipop.

He was eating it in a very suspicious manner.

He swirled his tongue around the hard boiled sweet, carelessly staring at Jisung the entire time. Smirking slightly he came and sat down next to Jisung who was pouring milk into a bowl.

Jisung eyed him blankly, "I hope your teeth rot." He said, pouring the cereal out. He was internally sighing at the shameless gang member. Yeah he poured the milk in first... :/

Minho only smiled.

'Perhaps getting close to him is a bad idea, although I still need to find out what they were talking about the other day' Jisung ignored Minho as he edged his seat closer.

"Started the morning off a little hectic, let's start again. Good morning Sungie." Minho smiled again and rested his elbow on the table while the sweet was still in his mouth.

'I Hope that thing gets stuck down his throat' Jisung scowled and spooned his almost soggy cereal into his mouth. I hate this texture.

"...you hope what?"

Minho was sitting up straight with a pained expression, his mouth twitched, giving himself away instantly.

It came to realisation that Jisung had voiced his thoughts out loud. "You heard me."

"I'll have you know I saved your life last night." Minho smirked, "so you owe me."

"What do you owe me?"

Minho's smile disappeared and he leaned in. Jisung wasn't too bothered but he still had to play his part so he leaned to the opposite side.

"You owe me." Minho whispered. "I may have saved you last night and I'm being nice, but that doesn't change my reputation as the leader of a gang. Han Jisung as much as I like you, don't push me."

Jisung felt an excruciating need to laugh but he looked Minho dead in the eye. "Oh Minho! Thank you so so much for saving me last night, you're my saviour and I'll serve you till the day I die. I owe you soo much." His voice held zero trace of emotion as he was deliberately making fun of Minho.

Minho only laughed quietly, 'No wonder I'm attracted to him, even after experiencing a situation like last night he's still being himself. Cold and....'

Minho leaned in extremely close and took Jisung by surprise, "here." He gave him a sweet. Jisung had wide eyes, not ready for the close perfect face attack, he absently put the sweet in his mouth before realising...it was the same one Minho had been...eating.

'He's cold and quite easy to fluster. Minho watched in amusement as Jisung became a nice shade of pink that turned into a fiery red. "You-..."anger overwhelmed him.

"It was your choice to eat it." Minho backed away and shrugged as Jisung stood up with murder showing clearly in his eyes.

"I'm sorry?" Minho laughed and ran away as Jisung started to walk towards him. "Lee Minho you bastard!"

A couple minutes later and Jisung stopped searching for that annoying person. He had spat out the sweet before he tried to chase Minho but his mouth still felt dirty.

That was the closest to a kiss he had ever been. Even though he had been tainted by seeing certain things at such a young age (ahem...seeing a lot of dead people, not anything else you dirty minded cheesecake), he had never interacted with anyone in that sort of way. In a...intimate sort of way. And that first person had to be Minho. Well...um...he had kissed Felix once...BUT IT WAS ONLY ONCE AND BY ACCIDENT!!

'Stop it Jisung. It wasn't even anything, it didn't mean anything, it's stupid, this is stupid, why are you still stuck in this place with him. You need to escape, not fantasise about your first indirect kiss with someone other than Felix.' Jisung groaned and went back to the kitchen, Minho was waiting there with a teasing smile.

"You bi-"

"Yes? Let me remind you, I could have left you there last night."

"That's not something to joke about." Jisung shivered to think what could have happened.

"Okay." Minho came and took his wrist, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I could get in trouble for killing those men for you, so...you owe me a favour." He pretended to be troubled but Jisung sighed.

"I'm not like other people Minho."

'...wow. Is that the first time he's said my name? Is it? He's definitely different from other people. Amazing what trauma does to you.' Minho zoned out before Jisung clicked his fingers. "Hey, are you there?"

"...yeah" Minho smiled and held onto his wrist roughly, pulling him forward. "I like a little challenge now and then." He whispered into his ear. Jisung felt an unwelcome shiver go down his back and he tried to get out of Minho's grasp. "I'm not who you think I am."

'Oh sh- I hope he doesn't really look into that. I didn't mean that!'

Minho smiled even more, "who are you then, Sungie?"

"I...I look innocent, everyone thinks that. But I don't have proper emotions, you can't affect me. I...I've been going half crazy these days..."

"Oh but I will." Minho lazily let go of his wrist and gazed at him. "Because I'm just as crazy as you are."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hshahgahagshshakakskxjsllasj I love the ending part...I CAN'T WAIT TO FINISH THIS STORYY

Small catch up? I've been really busy.
Almost killed by a bus in London
My nan fell down, hope she gets better
I can draw side profiles easily all of a sudden
I've written up to 34 chapters heh
Minsung content warning ⚠️
Fun fact: I'm working on other fanfics about Minsung and Seungjin!

Last of all, thankyou so so much for these reads. It's amazing it even got this many! and...you're amazing too. <3  :D

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