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A few days passed in peace, things went back to normal and it was calming. Jisung liked peace and quiet, he treasured it like a baby when it came, and watched it sadly when it left.

Felix was acting more suspicious by the day and Jisung had noticed him getting excited more than once a day... and that was usually when his phone lit up, his face lit up with it.

Chan leaned forward, hands resting on his cheeks and he gazed at Jisung with wide eyes. "Sooo Jisung, what have you been up to?"

Jisung ignored him and threw a dishcloth in his face instead. "Help dry up." He said.

He dumped a teaspoon into Chans hand and moodily started on washing a pudding stained bowl. A person sitting on a seat nearby looked up and smiled while raising their drink. Jisung received it with a grotesque expression which was his interpretation of a formal smile.

"Did you and Felix make out?" Chan tried again to get a response.

"Make out??!!" Jisung looked at him in disbelief.

"I mean.....no I...I meant..." Chan stuttered. "I meant make up! Felix told me about it...well.. some of it."

"The argument?" Jisung questioned, "yeah it's fine, we're good."

"Oh.." chan rubbed his head. "Felix didn't tell me that..."

"Of course he didn't." Jisung snorted. "He told me the other day that he loved seeing you worried. He's a freak."

Chan frowned and glanced over to the boy giggling over his phone. "You know what? Nevermind. I don't want to know why."

"Why what?" Felix morphed into existence and Jisung almost dropped the bowl he'd been washing for the last five minutes. "Go back to your texting already." He said, mimicking Chans Australian accent in English.

Felix waved it off. "Jisung...are you my boyfriend?"

A loud smash resonated on the floor and made more than a few people in the cafe look up towards the three boys. Chan smiled at them apologetically then sadly glanced down at the broken bowl on the floor. "There's another five pounds gone." He muttered.

Jisung stood appalled as he repeated Felix. "Boyfriend??" He said incredulously. "Boyfriend?!?!?!"

(Momentary flashbacks of 'his first kiss')

Felix nodded seriously. "I saw Changbin in the shop earlier and he asked if you were my 'secret boyfriend' I thought he'd forgotten but he just asked me again over text."

Chan looked up from the floor where he was picking up the large chunks of the smashed bowl. "Why on earth would he think that?"

Felix shook his head gloomily and shrugged. "Sung, do you remember 'officer Seo'"

Realisation dawned on Jisung's face. "Oh no."

Chan started giggling. "Officer Seo...Changbin's dad?!?!" He started wheezing silently and Jisung looked him up and down. "Go on then." He finally said. "Lix what happened."

Felix nodded and sat down in his 'I'm about to tell a really long story and you have to listen to me' pose.

Changbin's pov

I went out to buy dinner for the gang. Minho was in weird mood and it had affected Hyunjin too. The atmosphere while training was, well... miserable.

I grabbed a box of cereal and moved onto the next isle for noodles, which one should I get....

A familiar fluffy blonde head rushed past me suddenly, jostling my arm. He was holding eight or nine massive packets of instant noodles, a fat bunch of spring onions in his hand and a crumpled sheet of paper in his mouth. He turned around to apologise but his eyes widened and he promptly spat out the paper.

"Felix, hey!" I smiled as the paper drifted to the floor. He smiled back and I swear, the area around him started shining.

He bent down awkwardly, balancing the noodles, and he picked the paper up. It had food names scrawled over it so I presumed it was a list.

"Bin- Changbin! Yeah hey! I haven't seen you for ages."

"Three days actually." I smirked and laughed a bit as his expression changed. "What are you here for?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.

"I'm getting dinner:" Lix looked down. "I guess..." he smiled a bit sheepishly as he observed the instant noodles and spring onions. "Its unhealthy, but makes a good meal when nothing else feels right."

My heart did a little jump. Hyunjin would tease me if I told him that but I don't know how else I would explain it. Felix is so sweet and genuine and cute! And you sense that he really cares about you.

I was staring too long at him so I laughed again. "I'm doing the same thing." I admitted. "I can't be bothered to cook, not that I'm good, so noodles are the first option for me."

I remembered something and my expression must have changed because Lix looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What are you thinking about?" He asked in his silky voice.

I bit my lip in reply then shook my head. "I mean... it was nothing..." I was curious. "But.. have you gone to the police station recently?"

Felix looked at me for a moment. "Oh...yes I have, with Jisung. Did I not tell you?"

I shrugged. "No...my dad works there and he happened to describe you and Jisung in detail so I was curious."

Felix grinned. "I see."

I wondered whether to say anything more but being a nosy person that I am, I decided to mention. "My dad was describing a 'cute couple' that came in the middle of the night with a kid, I was so confused."

Felix stared blankly then giggled softly. "I remember."

"So, are you and Jisung together? Your secret boyfriend or something..."

He blinked and smiled. "No of course not. I wouldn't be taking to you otherwise-..." he stopped and went slightly red. The next thing I knew, he'd paid for his stuff, mumbled an apology and was running out of the door waving goodbye with an excuse like 'Jeongin is hungry and so am I'.

I watched him silently, wondering in what way he meant what he said.

3rd person pov

Felix ran out of breath as he finished relating his story. Jisung was now laughing at him for messing up and he gave a long-suffering sigh.

"I can't believe you just left him like that! That's so mean!" Jisung secretly shipped the two and was laughing at his friend for missing out on an opportunity like this.

"I was embarrassed." Felix snapped. "I'd love to see you in that situation."

Jisung threw a wet cloth into his face. "I'd deal with it better than running away. And it wouldn't happen to me in the first place."

"You'll probably end up doing the same thing with Minho." Felix shot back.

Jisung shook his head. "I can't believe you."

"I'd believe it." Chan smiled slyly, edging away from Jisung. "I saw you blush the other day-."

Jisung gave him a withering glare and flicked him with a tea-towel. "Jeongin's here."

Chan immediately stood up and looked around like a meerkat making his two friends laugh at him in turn.

Later on, Jisung looked around him. The sense of normality was heavy but something felt off. Since Minho had appeared in his life, nothing felt right. It was a sweet irritating feeling that hadn't gone away, it made him confused.

And as for revenge...he knew exactly what to do.

Oh sweet sweet procrastination.

It's been a few weeks since I last updated?? How've you been?

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