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Eric looked uneasy as the four people congregated in the living room. He checked his phone nervously and glanced at the clock on the wall every minute, only looking away to glare at the people around him.

"You've caused one hell of a mess I'll give you that." He said darkly as Jisung returned the look.

"How are we meant to know anything if you don't tell us." Jisung snapped.

"There's an entire war in Straykidz base."

Hyunjin looked up and narrowed his eyes at the newcomer.

Eric sighed and shook his head. "Fine I'll tell you what I know. It started after Straykidz hired me and I was assigned to monitor Jisung. That's happened just after the Ateez accident when J.one was caught after mass killing an entire gang."

"The night Minho found me." Jisung put in bitterly.

"I've been keeping an eye on Jisung just in case he got caught again, but it was fine until today. Aka, the job he had with you.
I made a mistake and didn't find out where he was for the job until Straykidz called me to announce all hell was breaking loose at the base and I needed to find him because your little gang was caught up in the mess."

Hyunjin still looked irritable as Changbin flew around the room, gathering up weapon after weapon and casting glances at Eric who was sitting next to Jisung on one of the sofas.

"That doesn't explain much."

"I'm not done." Eric said dryly. "Straykidz have been keeping an eye on Jisung for personal reasons. What happened today is completely irrelevant to him.
Someone from the inside tipped off some foreign traders in the black market and they attacked Straykidz base this morning and they've been at it for at least five hours. My employee called me to find Jisung and tell him that your gang is somehow attached to the foreign traders. If anything, that's where Minho has gone."

Changbin appeared from the next room. "But what's it got to do with us? And why has Minho gone off like that?"

"I don't know!" Eric grumbled and stared at the clock again.
Jisung lifted his head. "Why's he acting so emotional." He groaned.

Hyunjin, who was typing frantically on his laptop to find Minho's location, paused his work to glare at him. "You're not forgiven Jisung." He said coldly. "Minho has his reasons."

Jisung relapsed into silence again as Changbin rushed past with armfuls of sharp objects. Eric stood up and paced around, the restlessness getting to each one of them as they soaked in the tense atmosphere.

"Straykidz didn't tell me anything else except where you were and what was happening." Eric walked around for the fiftieth time.

"How helpful." Jisung but back a more sarcastic reply. Without Eric appearing, he could've ended up hurting his friends.
'But I didn't.'

He was about to apologise when Hyunjin cursed and Changbin rushed to his side.

"The hell is going on here." He whispered.

They crowded around him, Jisungs apology forgotten, and watched with tight expressions at the screen.

"I found the CCTV footage." Hyunjin whispered again, "this is where Minho went."

The screen was filled with blood and scattered bodies. It was a war field with people rushing by with guns and some rooms were filled with people stabbing writhing flesh as they fought to the death. Jisung frantically looked for a familiar face, perhaps someone even on the floor but the only person he saw who was vaguely familiar...

"Kim." Eric saw the same face and they shared a split moment of eye contact. "We need to go."
Jisung sprang into action and they made for the front door.

The others were not far behind and they stumbled into Eric's car, hurriedly locking the house door behind them.

"We don't have time." Eric gritted his teeth as Hyunjin landed on something in the back and let out a yelp as he pulled out a kitchen cleaver from his seat. Changbin just shrugged and handed him his laptop as the car started and left the driveway, the gravel crunching underneath the wheels.

"How do you leave these out so carelessly." Changbin muttered as he tugged a gun free from its prison, lodged between his legs and the seat. Eric ignored him and spoke to Hyunjin who was back online, staring at the CCTV footage. "What's happening now?"

Hyunjin pulled out his glasses for dramatic effect and pushed them on, shaking his head.

"It's the same as what you saw." He said. "People I can't identify just fighting and I can't see Minho anywhere."
Jisung glanced at Changbin in the back, it was a gloomy atmosphere but he noticed him and his eyes softened with sympathy.

Jisung wasn't feeling sentimental, but as a rule he didn't kill friends, even with what Minho had planned for J.one...he bit his tongue.

"I'm sorry." He said as Hyunjin glanced up. "I could've hurt you back there but.."

"Who would've thought." Hyunjin interrupted sarcastically. "That our sweet little Jisung was J.one."

He still sounded bitter but there was a hint of kindness.
Jisung made a noise of agreement and hid a small smile as he turned towards the road. Hyunjin had been trying to play it off but was clearly still in shock. Changbin was more forgiving.

"It's still sudden Jisung." He said softly. "Is...is Felix involved in this?"

It was obviously a question he'd wanted to ask but Jisung turned to him with regret. "No." He replied. "Please, don't say anything to him yet."

Eric swerved around another corner as Changbin nodded.

"I won't." He noticed Jisung's eyes fill with something and remembered his identity as J.one. How could someone so cruel be friends with someone as lovable as Felix...well himself, even he had killed and was still with Felix. That's how. Even himself who had a policeman for a dad, had gotten away with murder and more murder and more.

Hyunjin pushed his glasses up and focused intently at the screen. "I can't work out what's going on." He murmured, still squinting.

Jisung raised his brow and asked. "May I see?"

Hyunjin passed him the laptop and Changbin spied a flicker of momentary horror on Jisung's face, but it disappeared under the trained mask of seriousness. He glanced at Hyunjin to see if he had noticed it as well, but he was looking out the window, still hurt by Jisung's identity revelation.
'If that's how Jin feels, I can't imagine how Minho feels about it.'
He patted Hyunjin's shoulder and watched the road. It was getting emptier and emptier and less cars were seen as they went further and further into the chaos seen on the screen.

If you have any questions I'll explain unless it comes later in the book.

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