Chapter 33

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Liao Tingyan saw Sima Jiao walking on the high tower of Sansheng Mountain. He didn't seem to be very old at that time, because his face was still a little childish. He walked around the tower round and round, layer after layer, down to the bottom, and then from the other side of the stairs. Go up, tirelessly, and alone. The surrounding is very quiet, there is no wind, there is a kind of forcing suffocation.

She also saw him walking alone in the middle of the sun and the moon. This sun and the moon had only one flower and never withered, but when the flowers were broken, the whole plant would wither. He stood there looking at the flowers, stretched out his hands and folded a lot, and then threw them on the ground boredly, letting them wither.

These are the corners of some memory fragments. Liao Tingyan entered Sima Jiao's spiritual house before and caught many of his soul fragments, probably for this reason. After that, she would see some of these when she occasionally rested. Regarding Sima Jiao's memory fragments, a glimpse of light slipped past the gap in her sleep.

Sometimes, she could even feel his mood at that time. He was always in a bad mood, and when she woke up, she thought about it and felt that he was upset probably every day. Of course, she could also understand who would be happy if she was imprisoned there.

In addition to this sequelae, after having a relationship with the master master, there is another advantage, that is, her cultivation base is slowly rising, even if she hasn't cultivated at all, she is still rising, so she always seems to be picking up yang and replenishing yin. I'm sorry for the illusion.

Sima Jiao didn't look embarrassed at all. Apart from acting closer to her, there was nothing unusual, which made Liao Tingyan feel very relaxed. She has no sense of reality, probably because this supercar is too high-end, and her outlook on life is established in the scientific mortal world. The definition of the most intimate relationship is a low-level physical relationship, so instead of the most intimate relationship with this kind of immortal person Realism.

As for Sima Jiao, he is not a person who will change because of his intimacy with others. But this way he miraculously made Liao Tingyan more acceptable, so within two days, Liao Tingyan was able to collapse beside him naturally as before.

They pretended to be the two young masters of the Yeyou Palace and were escorted to the Chen Xuefu of Gengcheng Xianfu. They have now walked halfway.

Liao Tingyan's current identity is Miss Yong Lingchun, and Sima Jiao is her "brother" Yong Shiqiu. The two of them have no acting skills and the other does not love acting. It is inevitable that they are inconsistent with the previous two little ancestors. The two Yuanying monks sent by Yougong to protect the two of them naturally suspected, but they couldn't find any abnormalities, and they could only regard it as a child of this age with a strange personality.

The two real little ancestors became two fluffy little chickens and were thrown by Sima Jiao to Liao Tingyan. Liao Tingyan doesn't like to play with little chickens, but the little black snake, who was turned into a thumb-thick by Sima Jiao, likes to play with these two little chickens. He often turns around them on the table and chases out the two poor little chickens. Chick.

When they left Luohe Xianfang, in order to please them, the local snake monk praised that the little chickens they raised were very spiritual, and gave them rare metals to make mini cages with gems and pearls, just enough to put it down. Two miniature small chickens.

So Liao Tingyan was forced to keep two pets. Fortunately, she doesn't need to feed her. After the silly black snake eats by himself, he will feed the two small chickens with bits and pieces of food in his mouth, and he is very happy in it.

Liao Tingyan: Xingba, I rely on you to raise it.

Although these two ambitious and proud teenage girls have become small chickens, they are already very lucky for their lives compared to those big brothers who Sima Jiao killed before.

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