Chapter 75

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When the miracle of the sky descending on Fuze and the canal suddenly spread, Nanyan Hou was preparing to engage in a cult brainwashing package, spreading the tyrant actions of his Majesty Sima Jiao, and preparing to use this as a lead to explode the six northern counties.

He is ready, and the next step is to further demonstrate that Sima Jiao is not destined, spread rumors, and shake people's hearts with the severe drought in the northern six counties this summer.

There is a divine way around him, which is quite capable. This old **** asserted that Sima Jiao's dynasty could not last long. This was a short-lived ghost, and Nanyan Hou was the true son of destiny. As long as he rebelled against the destiny, he would definitely be able to Get the final victory.

In addition to calculating the drought this summer, the old gods also calculated the heavy snowstorms in the southern counties this winter and the plague next spring. These are all major rebellion events that Nanyan Hou plans to take advantage of.

However, he was about to do a big fight, and this happened.

When the teacher was unfavorable, Nanyan Hou Chou couldn't eat his breakfast. He touched his hairline and asked the old **** to ask, "What should I do now? Didn't Sima Jiao have no fate?"

The old **** has drooped eyebrows, a muddy face, holding his fingers and shaking like a sheep crazy for a moment: "I watch the sky at night, and there is a demon star next to Sima Jiao! It is this demon star that hinders you and needs to be removed. Drop her!"


"I may live here for a few more years. Let's set up an office in Yancheng of the Demon Region. If there is a canal construction project in the future, someone will do it." Liao Tingyan finally found a gap and said to Russell. I said, "You can help me watch more in the Demon Domain. If someone makes trouble...well, no one should dare to make trouble. The trouble has been burned almost all these years."

Hongluo squatted on the window sill and talked to her. She was able to retreat at any time. She said, "I don't worry about this. It's this slender place. I don't have the slightest aura. I definitely don't want people to stay here. How about sending personnel to change once a year, and I don't worry if you are here alone, and I will send you geese and pets in a while."

Liao Tingyan: "No, you send them here, how can I tell Sima Jiao?"

Tell him, this snake is called Sisi, and it is your orphan. Although you can become a little boy who looks a lot like you, it is not yours. This fox is called Aungang. It is a rare pet you gave me before. I became a fox pig because I ate too much?

Hongluo: "Just take care of him, you just don't have to be coquettish. I think you made him faint, and it wasn't that he was good at everything you said."

Liao Tingyan: It's reasonable. It seems that he made me faint, and almost didn't hold it last time. Alas, young people are just impulsive.

Hongluo talked to her nonsense, and looked at the door with her eyes. Although she could feel the breath of someone coming and could avoid it in advance, she was still a little subconscious when she faced a Sima Jiao who was no longer the demon master. Awe... I'm a little scared anyway.

Hongluo: "Okay, it's almost there, I'll go first, you pay attention."

Sima Jiao came soon after the red snails left. He spends a lot of time with Liao Tingyan every day, and Liao Tingyan has recently been upset about his diet and sleep. It is more difficult to let this ancestor eat something than to let her a few years old nephew eat obediently.

There is no way, she can only wait for him to fall asleep every night, with the help of external force to make him sleep more deeply, and then take the opportunity to feed him some spiritual dew to nourish his body, and then use the spirit to comfort his damaged spirit. Reduce the number of attacks on his head.

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