Chapter 69

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Liao Tingyan felt as if he had suffered a seven-year itch with the Taoist couple.

Sima Jiao was a little cold towards her recently, so he didn't drag her to soak together, and didn't double repair with her. Even if he couldn't sleep every night and his eyes were bloodshot, he didn't want to double repair and ease with her.

What's even more exaggerated is that he locked himself in the hall half a month ago, and no one was seen. This "who" also includes Liao Tingyan. Over the years, Liao Tingyan could see Sima Jiao whenever he wanted to see him, no matter what Sima Jiao was doing, but this time he couldn't, and Sima Jiao refused to see her.

"Do you think this is a relationship problem?" The special technique used by the red snails has grown up a lot in a few years. She looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old junior high school girl-of course, her tone of voice is still that violent yellow. Old You Tiao said, "Men are all like this, you don't care what he thinks, pajamas are just for him, the Taoist couple, there is something that cannot be solved by double repair."

Liao Tingyan: "You have the ability to speak in front of Sima Jiao."

Red Conch immediately shrank his neck, "No, no, go by yourself. Who dares to see him now, he will be killed! His elderly people are more and more like burning people!"

A few days ago, a demon came from the demon realm, holding several spies who intended to break into the forbidden palace, and prepared to hand it over to the demon lord. As a result, those people walked to the front of the palace in Sima Jiao's retreat and burned up. The flame was colorless. The burned people didn't react. They walked a few steps forward, and the flesh and blood on their bodies turned into ashes and kept falling down. When they walked to the steps, only a little bit of the burned people fell on the ground and instantly turned into white ashes. , The scene is strange and brutal.

Only Black Snake and Liao Tingyan could get close to the steps, but the Black Snake couldn't move forward after reaching the steps, and Liao Tingyan was the only one who could walk to the door.

Liao Tingyan sat on a huge branch, looking at the palace in Sima Jiao's retreat. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and even the special gags made by Russula did not make her smile.

The red snail looked at her eyes and patted her palms, "You keep this expression, it is better to be a little more melancholy, um, a melancholy woman with a clear melancholy, and then you can go to the temple gate to stand and pose, I dare Promise that soon the demon lord will come out of the door to coax you."

Liao Tingyan: "???" What is it?

Hongluo: "No, this expression doesn't work, I want the one just now."

Liao Tingyan rolled his eyes and lay down, "Forget it, he can do whatever he wants. His character and what he wants can't be stopped by others. I have to wait for him to finish it and tell myself. I."

Today's Yancheng is beautiful and sunny. The sky is clean and pure. The white clouds are piled up in a cluster and fall on the hills in the distance. The green forests have only thanked the large pink cherry blossoms some time ago. Today's new green is particularly tender.

The red cherry fruit that was originally a special product of the Demon Region, because she likes to eat it, a few years ago, Sima Jiao people moved those red cherry trees to Yancheng. Because of the poor growth, they also invited people from Gu Yuwu to help plant the trees. Every spring, the mountains are full of pink cherry blossoms, and at the hottest time in July, the cherry blossoms all over the mountain can be eaten.

Many demons and immortals live in Yancheng. They have moved here over the years because Liao Tingyan likes to eat all kinds of food. The biggest specialty in the city is gourmet food. There are more than a dozen streets around the city. There are specialty food shops all over the country, especially outside the palace where Liao Tingyan lives, the most famous food street.

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