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I groaned in annoyance as I laid down on my new bed, I coughed slightly from the dust that sprung out.

''Why the hell were they like that? It was so random too.'' I said as my brother put down my bags.

''Maybe they just missed you Mar, but I have no clue it was..new.''

''Definitely was new alright.'' I sat up as my brother sat down next to me.

He hummed in agreement as wrapped his arm around me, in attempt to comfort me.

''I know it was.. a lot and I'm sorry for them. I'll talk to them and make sure it doesn't happen again.''

I smirked slightly and looked up at Punz whose face was full of concern.

''Jealous of your little sister getting attention? It's okay 'Punzie poo'.''

''Right I tried to be nice but if you wanna act like this-''

He attempted to get up as I chuckled and pulled him back down to sit beside me.

''Relax Punzie, tell me what I missed out on.''

He explained to me everything, how after he left home he met Dream who had offered him money to help fight.

Apparently the side they were fighting against was called 'L'Manburg', which was a stupid name.

L'Manburg was a nation built by a man named Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit, who both wanted independence.

More people joined over time and it became a threat to Dream's side, causing a war.

Yet a man named Schlatt won an election and became president, and exiled the two from the country.

Wilbur went into a spiral and wants to blow up Manburg which was renamed from Schlatt and Dream gave him tnt.

So now there is a side called 'Pogtopia' (another weird name) that is going against Manburg.

But more people are joining Pogtopia so the chances for Manburg to win is slim, hence why Punz requested I came back to fight.

''Wow that sure is something.''

Punz hummed in agreement as he laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. ''Your scars, I seen them, how?''

I sighed as I laid down beside him and began to explain what I'd been up too.

I told him all about the town fights I was in and how I had to leave our home town after burning down a building and causing a riot.

The riot I had caused was for women's rights which lacked greatly in my town.

After I was kicked out, I wandered for days into new places to stay in as I explored and met a man called Technoblade.

Technoblade was a pig human hybrid and was a very monotone man with great fighting skills.

I stayed with him for a bit until I got a letter from Punz, and a few days later Technoblade got a letter too.

''Awh my poor little sister huh.'' He nudged me as he snickered.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, yet was happy to be joking with my brother again.

I had missed this, the place was unfamiliar yet the people wasn't and that's what I loved.

Only thing different is how Dream and Sapnap treated me and each other.

''How's..mom and dad?'' Punz asked cautiously.

I looked at my brother with sorrow, as my parents never treated him with goodness.

''They're doing well, they talk about you a lot.'' I spoke softly to him.

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