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I ran up the stairs and elbowed Quackity in the rib cage as I grabbed him by the arms and threw him into Tubbo who was running towards me.

The two fell down into the centre where there was tnt placed and Punz was fighting some of the people.

I began to pull at the iron bars as I looked around for something to break them with.

"I knew you'd come." Techno said with a small smile as he said in a monotone voice.

"I'll always come." I used the hilt of my sword to try and break the lock yet it wouldn't budge.

"Marli!" I heard a faint yell from the distance.

Yet as I was about own to my to turn I was suddenly tackled by a tall figure off the podium and into the water.

We hit the cold water that laid beneath the stage with a splash as we slowly sank to the bottom.

I kicked Quackity off me as I grabbed him and punched him across the face before attempting to swim back up to the surface.

Quackity gripped onto my hood as he pulled me back down towards him which made me slightly choke from the tightness around my throat.

He kicked me in the stomach hardly as he shoved me to the bottom while he swam up.

I gasped as water went into my mouth and down to my lungs which made it harder to breathe, along with my stomach being kicked in.

Panic began to bubble in my chest as I slowly began to swam up and could see Quackity get out of the water.

My head began to hurt as I felt the pressure from the water being in my lungs and not being able to breathe properly which made me scared.

I struggled to find the energy to swim up as the pain engulfed me. God my head felt like it was exploding.

Eventually I inhaled more water as a sense of defeat, it was no use.

But it wasn't painful or scary, it was just peaceful.

Yet before I could fully pass out, somebody grabbed onto my arm and pulled me out of the water and onto land.

I began to cough hardly as the figure helped me sit up with their hand on my back, hitting me lightly to get the water out.

I gasped loudly and began to breathe heavily and cough more.

"Hey hey you're okay." A familiar British voice began to calm me down.

I looked at the figure to realise it was Tommy. Instead of relief, I was scared for him.

"Tommy you can't be here, you'll be killed please get out of here!" I half yelled half whispered to him as he softly looked at me.

I looked around to realise we were hiding behind a pillar that sat underneath the floor, thank god we wouldn't be in sight.

"I know but none of you were home so I came here, and I seen you and Quackity fight in the water." Tommy began.

I quickly stood up as I was drenched, fuck. I pulled my hood off and began to empty some pockets to make things lighter for me.

"Go to Pogtopia I'll meet you there. Please be safe I'm begging you-"

"You be safe too, pinky promise me Marli." Tommy interrupted me as fear filled his eyes.

I stared in the young boys eyes as I felt pity for him. I quickly nodded and pinky promised him, praying I wouldn't break it.

"Go." I whispered as I climbed back up onto the podium where I seen everybody still fighting.

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