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Quackity turned around and stood beside Tommy as the two glared at me, what did I do wrong?

''What are you talking about Tommy.'' I said softly as I got closer, yet the two pulled out swords and aimed it at me.

I backed up slightly and stared at Tommy who scoffed and put his sword away, then came closer to me.

''Wilbur told us, you didn't even bother try visit us and you were only getting close to us so you could get an easy victory.''

Why did he lie to them? 

''Tommy I can assure you that is not true, I would never do that! You're children and I just want to help-''

''I'm not a child, stop treating me like I'm 5!''

I stared at the teenager who was full of rage, Quackity looked at Tommy then back at me with disappointment.

''Tommy I-''

''Why would Wilbur lie to me then?! If you're in the right then why are you in Manburg and trying to make friends with people from Pogtopia!?''

My eyes widened as the boy stared at me with only anger in his eyes, the poor kid.

''Tommy.. please. I'm sorry, I tried to visit you but Wilbur wouldn't allow me.''

''Great, now she's a liar. I have an idea, let's bribe her to be on our side as Dream and Schlatt bribed Punz to be on Manburg.'' Quackity suddenly said.


I turned to Quackity and walked towards him. ''What did you just say?''

''You didn't know? Dream pledged to be on Schlatt's side no matter what and he bribed Punz and the others to stay.''

No surprise that Punz was bribed but, the others too? Sapnap? George? Bad?

''He bribed.. the others too?''

''Don't act like you didn't know.'' Tommy said roughly.

''I don't think she knew Tommy.'' Quackity whispered to Tommy.

''Surely she did- Of course she did-'' Tommy tried to convince himself yet my facial expression told him different.

I slammed the castle doors as I took off my armour and threw it onto the ground, which made a loud clash.

The armour slightly scraped the marbled floor and the slamming of the doors echoed throughout the halls.

''Marli just because you're in a mood doesn't mean you have to put us in one.'' Punz said as he walked out to me with a cup of coffee in hand.

''When were you gonna tell me that you were bribed.'' I cut straight to the point.

Punz's eyes widened as his mouth was slightly open in shock, he quickly collected him and responded. ''It didn't matter that's why.''

''So it doesn't matter how you basically knew Pogtopia is the right side and we're the wrong side, yet you chose money over morality.''

''Not only money, loyalty.'' 

I began to laugh. ''Oh my god Punz, are you serious?!''

''Marli I've been fighting against the other side for a while now, I'm not gonna choose that side because they're too petty.''

''Petty? They're fighting back for their corrupted nation that was taken over by an asshole. As you would do the same.''

''Pogtopia's leader is insane, wanting to blow up his own nation because he lost an election. He's manipulated all of the people to join his side-''

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