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Tubbo came running over to use, slightly out of breath and stared at me.

''I thought you couldn't be in Manburg grounds?'' I asked the blonde teenager as I got off him and offered my hand.

Tommy took my hand and I pulled him back onto his feet.

''I'm not, I came to see Tubbo but you were with him.''

I looked at him then looked over at Tubbo. ''You two are friends?''

''Of course we're friends, he was the third person to join L'Manburg.''

Tommy went over to Tubbo and wrapped his arm around him.

I stared at the two and Tubbo whispered something to Tommy.

''No, no she's fine she taught me how to sharpen a sword look how sick this is Tubbo!''

Tommy pulled out his sword and showed it to Tubbo who looked at it in awe.

My heart melted for the two kids, they were so sweet and young.

''I won't tell anybody about your secret meeting up if that's what you're worried about Tubbo'' I said as I got closer to the two.

Tubbo watched me and nodded slowly.

''So what were you two doing?''

''I was just showing her around Manburg and talking about the festival tomorrow-''

''Oh! The festival! Wilbur wants to talk to you about that actually. We gotta go!''


''I'll cover up for you Tubbo.'' I said softly which made him smile.

Tommy and Tubbo waved to me before running off into the woods together.

How sweet.

I walked back into Manburg to see a short blonde woman and a tall brunette man arguing with Schlatt.

Intrigued, I walked over to them and cleared my throat.

''Is there a problem?''

''Yes! This monster has highered the taxes, for only women!''

I furrowed my brows and looked over at Schlatt who was looking smug.

''You women can really have big mouths can't you.'' Quackity begun then he saw me. ''Oh Marli, where's Tubbo?'

''He wanted some alone time, he should be back soon.''

Schlatt looked at me with a raised brow and chuckled to himself.

''Quackity I have some actual business to attend too, take care of this lunatic would you?''

With that Schlatt walked off and the short woman was filled with rage.

''You scum!'' She yelled and I noticed she had an accent.

Was everybody here European?

''Alright come on Niki relax.'' Quackity started while I watched.

''Relax?! I will not relax this is nonsense!''

''You're right it is nonsense, come on Niki.''

The tall brunette wearing sunglasses took Niki gently and brought her away.

''Geez women.'' Quackity said and chuckled awkwardly as I looked at him.

I followed after the two and watched Niki become very upset.

''Niki, is it?''

She turned around to look at me and so did the man. ''Who are you?''

''Marli, Punz's sister.''

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